发布日期 :2020-10-09 最后更新 :2020-10-09 浏览次数:
报告主题:Securing the Future Seminar Series: Can we have a biosecure world?
报告内容:1. the changing risk profile actually achieved the level of biosecurity we seek
2. is this what we should still see as a priority
报告嘉宾:Simon McKirdy教授
Professor McKirdy is the Pro Vice-Chancellor for the Harry Butler Institute at Murdoch University. He has extensive experience covering corporate leadership, research management, policy development and the management of biosecurity operations within the government and private sectors. He has international expertise in biosecurity and, in particular, plant biosecurity. He completed his PhD in Plant Pathology at the University of Western Australia. His career has included the roles of Quarantine Plant Pathologist for the State and Commonwealth governments; Program Manager at Plant Health Australia; eight years as CEO of the Australian Plant Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre; and Biosecurity Science and Risk Manager at Chevron Australia. He is Chairperson of the Western Australian Biosecurity Council that provides advice to the Western Australian government through the Minister for Agriculture.
