发布日期 :2024-03-21 最后更新 :2024-03-21 浏览次数:
Professor Onodera graduated from the University of Tokyo, School of Agricultural and Life Sciences. His research includes chemicals to treat and prevent for prions and Alzheimer's disease, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), food safety and zoonotic diseases, and phylogenetic studies in immunology. His scientific contribution to the area of slow virus is mainly focusing on normal function of prion protein in prion diseases and Alzheimer's disease. During his career as Chairperson in Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), Prion Subcommittee found the first Japanese case of BSE, which was also the first domestic BSE case outside Europe. He is now a Project Professor in Research Center for Food Safety, University of Tokyo (2010–present), and he is also working as a Visiting Scientist in the Brain Research Institute of Riken (1994–present). He has served as a Member in Institute de France (French National Academy of Science and Art, titled: Veterinary Science) in Paris since 2012, and is still actively duty bound to said position. He further serves as a Board Member of the Japanese Society of Bio-defense and of the Human Genome Research Center, Institute of Medical Science of the University of Tokyo. He has also served as a President of the Japanese Society for Neurovirology, and the Japanese Society for Veterinary Immunology.
