报告题目:The role of gas exchange in postharvest research
Fresh fruits are living organs that are continuously breathing and transpiring. Manipulation of breath and water loss (gas exchange of O2, CO2, H2O) is an essential part of postharvest research and operations. In general, postharvest operations such as low temperature storage, controlled atmosphere (CA) storage, modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) are targeted to reduce respiration rate and water loss to keep fruits fresh. However, fruit disorders may develop as consequences of over manipulation. Ethylene, a gas that regulates fruit growth, maturation and ripening also play an important role in maintaining fruit quality. Managing ethylene production, exchange and functioning is also an important part of postharvest practice. Gas treatments such as fumigation affect storage quality through inhibition of microbial growth and insect damage. This presentation will showcase the theories and practices to extend storage and shelf life through manipulation of gas exchange.
Ringo (Jinquan) Feng博士,现任新西兰植物与食品研究所(The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Ltd)高级科学家。主要从事果品采后应用技术研究。主持和参加过新西兰猕猴桃跨国公司(Zespri International Ltd),夏季水果产业(Summerfruit New Zealand),初级产业部和外交部等资助的二十多个科研项目。主要学术专长包括:出口果品质量标准及检测技术;利用无损探测技术(近红外光谱,声谱,质构,X光扫描,叶绿素荧光等)测定果品成熟度和营养含量,并预测贮藏寿命和感官质量;综合利用果品分级,冷链管理,气调库,气调包装,标记包装等技术,以期延长贮藏及货架寿命,保持营养与感官品质,降低损耗;鲜切果原料处理,加工,包装,及质量评价技术;通过果品贮藏性状的早期鉴定研究,识别标记基因,加速耐藏品种的育种进程;试验设计,大数据分析和数学模型。
