班宵逢,男,工学博士,美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校联合培养博士,副研究员,硕士生导师。主要从事淀粉生物技术、糖酶结构功能解析与应用、糖酶食品级分泌与高效表达、基于糖苷键重构的淀粉质食品开发与品质改良等方面的研究工作。作为项目负责人,主持“十四五”国家重点研发计划子课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目/青年基金、安徽省重点研发、江苏省自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金面上资助等纵向项目8项,承担企业横向合作8项。近年来,在Critical Reviews in Biotechnology、Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry、Food Research International、Food Chemistry等国际重要学术刊物上发表学术论文发表第一作者或通讯作者SCI论文20余篇(中科院一区二区占比>90%)。以主要发明人申请发明专利20余项,参与制修订国家标准4项,参编《微生物来源淀粉分支酶的制备与应用》等论著2部。研究成果于2019年获得教育部科学技术发明奖一等奖(排名第6)。2022年获得江南大学金龙鱼青年教师奖。2023年,担任《Frontiers in Sustainable Food System》期刊客座编辑。
2013年9月-2017年12月 江南大学 食品科学与工程专业 工学博士学位
2014年9月-2016年10月 美国伊利诺伊香槟-厄巴纳 联合培养
2015年9月-2016年7月 美国农业部西海岸研究中心 联合培养
2010年9月-2013年6月 江南大学 制糖工程专业 工学硕士学位
2006年9月-2010年6月 河北科技大学 食品科学专业 工学学士学位
2022年6月-至今 麻将胡了试玩 副研究员
2020年2月-2022年5月 麻将胡了试玩 助理研究员
2018年1月-2020年1月 江南大学轻工技术与工程博士后
[1]Xiaofeng Ban#, Tao Wang#, Haimin Jiang, Caiming Li, Zhengbiao Gu, Li Cheng, Yan Hong, Zhaofeng Li*. Alternations in the chain length distribution of polysaccharides by adjusting the active sites of the 1,4-α-glucan branching enzyme.Food Research International. 2022, 162: 112119.
[2]Xiaofeng Ban#, Tao Wang#, Wenjuan Fan, Caiming Li, Zhengbiao Gu, Li Cheng, Yan Hong, Zhaofeng Li*.Thermostability and catalytic ability enhancements of 1,4-α-glucan branching enzyme by introducing salt bridges at flexible amino acid sites.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules.2023, 224: 1276-1282.
[3]Xiaofeng Ban#, Shixia Xi#, Haimin Jiang, Zhengbiao Gu, Caiming Li, Li Cheng, Yan Hong,Zhaofeng Li*. The amino acid on the top of the active groove allosterically modulates product specificity of the 1,4-α-glucan branching enzyme.Food Chemistry. 2022, 384:132458.
[4]Xiaofeng Ban, Ya Guo, Bhalerao Kaustubh, Caiming Li, Zhengbiao Gu, Kai Hu*,Zhaofeng Li.The global amylase research trend in food science technology: A data-driven analysis.Food Reviews International. 2023, 39: 2492-2506.
[5]Xiaofeng Ban, Xiaofang Xie, Caiming Li, Zhengbiao Gu, Yan Hong, Li Cheng, Bhalerao Kaustubh, Zhaofeng Li*.The desirable salt bridges in amylases: Distribution, configuration and location.Food Chemistry.2021, 354: 129475.
[6]Xiaofeng Ban, Jing Wu, Bhalerao Kaustubh, Pratik Lahiri, Abhishek S. Dhoble, Zhengbiao Gu, Caiming Li, Li Cheng, Yan Hong,Yi Tong*, Zhaofeng Li*. Additional salt bridges improve the thermostability of 1,4-α-glucan branching enzyme.Food Chemistry.2020, 316: 126348.
[7]Xiaofeng Ban, Abhishek S. Dhoble, Caiming Li, Zhengbiao Gu, Yan Hong, Li Cheng, Tod P. Holler, Bhalerao Kaustubh, Zhaofeng Li*. Bacterial 1,4-α-glucan branching enzyme: Characteristics, preparation and commercial applications.Critical Reviews in Biotechnology. 2020, 40(3): 380-396.
[8]Xiaofeng Ban, Pratik Lahiri, Abhishek S. Dhoble, Dan Li, Zhengbiao Gu, Caiming Li, Li Cheng, Yan Hong, Zhaofeng Li*, Bhalerao Kaustubh*. Evolutionary stability of salt bridges hints its contribution to stability of proteins.Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 2019, 17:895-903.
[9]Xiaofeng Ban, Yiting Liu, Yuzhu Zhang, Zhengbiao Gu*, Caiming Li, Li Cheng, Yan Hong,Abhishek S.Dhoble, ZhaofengLi*. Thermostabilization of a thermophilic 1,4-α-glucan branching enzyme through C-terminal truncation.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules.2018, 107: 1510-1518.
[10]Xiaofeng Ban, Abhishek S. Dhoble, Caiming Li, Yuzhu Zhang, Zhengbiao Gu, Li Cheng, Yan Hong, Zhaofeng Li*. Potassium and sodium ions enhance the activity and thermostability of 1,4-α-glucan branching enzyme fromGeobacillus thermoglucosidasiusin the presence of glycerol.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules.2017, 102: 712-717.
[11]Tao Xu, Zhaofeng Li, Zhengbiao Gu, Caiming Li, Li Cheng, Yan Hong,Xiaofeng Ban*. The N-terminus of 1,4-α-glucan branching enzyme plays an important role in its non-classical secretion inBacillus subtilis.Food Bioscience. 2023. 52:102491.
[12]Wenjuan Fan, Zhaofeng Li, Caiming Li, Zhengbiao Gu, Yan Hong, Li Cheng,Xiaofeng Ban*. Catalytic activity enhancement of 1,4-α-glucan branching enzyme by N-terminal modification.Food Chemistry X.2023. 20: 100888.