陈星,1990年01月生,安徽安庆人,副研究员、硕士生导师,入选江苏省科协青年科技人才托举工程,国际SCI期刊《Current Research in Food Science》副主编。
2023年加入食品物理加工与调理食品研究小组(范大明教授领衔),主要从事食品蛋白与软物质物理的基础理论研究,聚焦畜禽产品、可持续蛋白、食品加工新技术等应用开发。主持国家、省部级等课题项目5项,相关研究成果在领域内权威SCI期刊共发表论文60余篇(WOS h-指数28);申报国家发明专利2项,参与制定标准5项,参编论著3部;参与企业技术开发项目4项,成功开发新型可持续蛋白配料3种,推广肌肉蛋白低盐增溶技术1项,并应用于增稠流体产品中。获颁《Meat Sci.》期刊Meat Science Prize奖、金龙鱼青年教师奖、康达尔青年教师奖;现担任《Food Research International》、《J. Agr. Food Res.》等国际食品SCI期刊编委,《Current Opinion in Food Science》、《International Journal of Biological Macromolecules》、《Food Bioscience》等期刊客座编辑,EI核心期刊《食品科学技术学报》青年编委,中国食品科学技术学会、畜产品加工研究会、IFT会员。
2017/1-2018/2,University of Kentucky (美国),公派博士联合培养(Prof. Youling Xiong)
2014/9-2018/6,南京农业大学,食品科学与工程,博士学位(徐幸莲 教授)
2013/6-2013/12,Niigata University (日本),食品科学,特别研究生 (Prof. Tadayuki Nishiumi)
2011/9–2014/6,合肥工业大学,食品科学,硕士学位(陈从贵 教授)
[1]Wang, Yue;Chen, Xing*; Zhou, Peng; Fan, Daming; Beef tenderization without exacerbating
the cooking loss: The way of enzymatic deamidation,Food Bioscience, 2024, 58: 103806.(SCI一区,Top)
[2]Zhang, Yanyun; Fu, Wenyan; Liu, Dongmei;Chen, Xing*; Zhou, Peng; Deciphering the thick
filaments assembly behavior of myosin as affected by enzymatic deamidation,Food Chemistry, 2024, 433: 137385.(SCI一区,Top)
[3]Zhang, Lingying; Zhang, Yanna; Wang, Yue;Chen, Xing*; Thermo-reversible gelation of myofibrillar protein: Relationship between coiled-coil and thermal reversibility.Current Research in Food Science, 2023, 7: 100611.(SCI二区)
[4]Chen, Xing*; et al; Soluble aggregate of myofibrillar protein engineered by gallic acid: Colloidal structure and resistance to in-vitro gastric digestion,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70(13): 4066-4075.(SCI一区,Top,刊印封面)
[5]Fu Wenyan;Chen Xing*; et al;Tailoring protein intrinsic charge by enzymatic deamidation for solubilizing chicken breast myofibrillar protein in water.Food Chemistry.2022, 385: 132512.(SCI一区,Top)
[6]Chen, Xing*; et al; Protein deamidation to produce processable ingredients and engineered colloids for emerging food applications,Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 2021, 20(4): 3788-3817.(SCI一区,Top)
[7]Chen, Kaiwen;Chen, Xing*; et al; Gallic acid-aided cross-linking of myofibrillar protein fabricated soluble aggregates for enhanced thermal stability and a tunable colloidal state.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2020, 68(41): 11535-11544.(SCI一区,Top,刊印封面)
[8]Chen, Xing*; et al;Advances in converting of meat protein into functional ingredient via engineering modification of high pressure homogenization,Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2020, 106: 12-29.(SCI一区,Top)
[9]Chen, Xing; et al;Water-soluble myofibrillar protein-pectin complex for enhanced physical stability near the isoelectric point: Fabrication, rheology and thermal property,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 142: 615-623.(SCI一区,Top)
[10]Chen, Xing; et al;High-pressure homogenization combined with sulfhydryl blockage by hydrogen peroxide enhance the thermal stability of chicken breast myofibrillar protein aqueous solution,Food Chemistry, 2019, 285: 31-38.(SCI一区,Top)
[1]徐幸莲(主编); 王虎虎(主编);陈星(参编)等;现代肉品加工学-第四章肉品加工原理与技术, 科学出版社, 370千字, 2023.
[2]韩聪(主编);陈星(副主编); 康大成(副主编); 杨玉红(副主编);冷链食品商品学,清华大学出版社, 244千字, 2022.
[3]Shai Barbut (著); 徐幸莲(主译); 王虎虎(副主译); 孙京新(副主译);陈星(参译)等;禽肉科学与肉品加工—第3章 结构和肌肉生理学,中国农业大学出版社, 2018.
[1]陈星(1/1);江苏省科协青年科技人才托举工程,江苏省科协技术协会,其他, 2020.
[2]陈星(1/1); 2020金龙鱼青年教师奖,金龙鱼慈善公益基金会,其他, 2020.
[3]Chen, Xing; Elsevier-Meat Science Prize Young Scientist Award, Elsevier-Meat Science,其他,国际学术奖, 2016.
[1]陈星,等. (2021).一种肌肉蛋白增稠流体饮料及其制备方法. CN202110334907.1.
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