龙杰,博士,副研究员,现为麻将胡了试玩 食品组分与物性中心成员,主要从事利用酶工程技术提高酶的耐热性、酶法高效制备功能性低聚糖及其活性研究、碳水化合物资源开发与利用等方面的研究。
主持和参与国家自然科学基金、十三五国家重点研发计划、江苏省自然科学基金、中国博士后基金等多项课题,近五年来以第一作者身份在Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,Carbohydrate Polymers, Food Chemistry等刊物上发表SCI论文10余篇,申请发明专利10余项。
2018.03-至今,江南大学,麻将胡了试玩 ,副研究员
2018.03~2020.07,江南大学,麻将胡了试玩 ,助理研究员
[1].Long, J.; Li, X.; Wu, Z.; Xu, E.; Xu, X.; Jin, Z.; Jiao, A., Immobilization of pullulanase onto activated magnetic chitosan/Fe3O4 nanoparticles prepared by in situ mineralization and effect of surface functional groups on the stability. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2015, 472, 69-77.
[2].Long, J.; Wu, Z.; Li, X.; Xu, E.; Xu, X.; Jin, Z.; Jiao, A., New method for the immobilization of pullulanase onto hybrid magnetic (Fe3O4-kappa-carrageenan) nanoparticles by electrostatic coupling with pullulanase/chitosan complex. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.2015,63, 3534-42.
[3].Long, J.; Yu, X.; Xu, E.; Wu, Z.; Xu, X.; Jin, Z.; Jiao, A., In situ synthesis of new magnetite chitosan/carrageenan nanocomposites by electrostatic interactions for protein delivery applications. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2015,131, 98-107.
[4].Long, J.; Xu, E.; Li, X.; Wu, Z.; Wang, F.; Xu, X.; Jin, Z.; Jiao, A.; Zhan, X., Effect of chitosan molecular weight on the formation of chitosan-pullulanase soluble complexes and their application in the immobilization of pullulanase onto Fe3O4-kappa-carrageenan nanoparticles. Food Chemistry.2016,202, 49-58.
[5].Long, J.; Li, X.; Zhan, X.; Xu, X.; Tian, Y.; Xie, Z.; Jin, Z., Sol-gel encapsulation of pullulanase in the presence of hybrid magnetic (Fe3O4-chitosan) nanoparticles improves thermal and operational stability. Bioprocess Biosystem Engineering, 2017, 40, 821-831.
[6].Long, J.; Zhang, B.; Li, X.; Zhan, X.; Xu, X.; Xie, Z.; Jin, Z., Effective production of resistant starch using pullulanase immobilized onto magnetic chitosan/Fe3O4 nanoparticles. Food Chemistry, 2018, 239, 276-286.
[7].Long, J.; Wang, F.; Jiao, A.; Xu, X.; Xie, Z.; Jin, Z., Preparation, characterization and physicochemical properties of novel low-phosphorus egg yolk protein. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,2019,99, 1740-1747.
[8].Long, J.; Pan, T.; Xie, Z.; Xu, X.; Jin, Z., Effective production of lactosucrose using β‐fructofuranosidase and glucose oxidase co‐immobilized by sol-gel encapsulation. Food Science & Nutrition, 2019, 00:1–15.
[9].Long, J.; Pan, T.; Xie, Z.; Xu, X.; Jin, Z., Co-immobilization of beta-fructofuranosidase and glucose oxidase improves the stability of Bi-enzymes and the production of lactosucrose. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2020, 128, 109460.
[10].Long,J.; Li, X.; Liu, X.; Jin, Z., Xie, Z.; Xu, X.; Lu, C., Preparation of Streptavidin-Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles for Specific Immobilization of Enzymes with High Activity and Enhanced Stability. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2021, 60, 4, 1542–1552.