盛利娜,麻将胡了试玩 副教授,主要从事微生物/毒素控制消减技术及工业化研究。
2022.05至今江南大学,麻将胡了试玩 ,副教授
2019.01–2021.12美国加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校,食品科学与技术学院,博士后(合作导师:Dr. Linda J. Harris, Dr. Luxin Wang)
2013.08–2018.12美国华盛顿州立大学,食品科学学院,食品科学,博士(导师Dr. Meijun Zhu)
1.Wang, X.,Sheng, L., Yang, X., Sun, J., Ye, Y., Geng, S., Ning, D., Zheng, J., Fan, M., Zhang, Y., Sun, X. (2023). Natural biomass-derived carbon dots as potent antimicrobial agents against multidrug-resistant bacteria and their biofilms.Sustainable Materials and Technology, 36: e00584.
2.Sheng, L.and Wang, L. (2023). Approaches for a more microbiologically and chemically safe dried fruit supply chain.Current Opinion in Biotechnology.80: 102912.
3.Sheng, L.,Li, X., Wang, L. (2022). Photodynamic inactivation in food systems: A review of its application, mechanisms, and future perspective.Trends in Food Science & Technology.124: 167-181.
4.Sheng, L.and Zhu, M.J. (2021). Practical in-storage interventions to control foodborne pathogens on fresh produce.Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety.20: 4584-4611.
5.Sheng, L.and Wang, L. (2021). The microbial safety of fish and fish products: Recent advances in understanding its significance, contamination sources, and control strategies.Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety.20: 738-786.
6.Li, X.,Sheng, L.,Sbodio, A., Zhang, Z., Sun, G., Blanco-Ulate, B., Wang, L. (2022). Photodynamic control of fungicide-resistantPenicillium digitatumby vitamin K3 water-soluble analogue.Food Control.135: 108807.
7.Sheng, L.,Shen, X., Su, Y., Xue, Y., Gao, H., Mendoza, M., Green, T., Hanrahan, I., Zhu, M.J. (2022). Effects of 1-methylcyclopropene and gaseous ozone onListeria innocuasurvival and fruit quality of Granny Smith apples during long-term commercial cold storage.Food Microbiology. 102: 103922.
8.Sheng, L.,Shen, X., Su, Y., Knueven, C.J., Zhu, M.J. (2020). The efficacy of sodium acid sulfate on controllingListeria monocytogeneson apples in a water system with organic matter.Food Microbiology. 92: 103595.
9.Sheng, L.,Zhang, Z., Sun, G., Wang, L. (2020). Light-driven antimicrobial activities of vitamin K3 againstListeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coliO157:H7 andSalmonellaEnteritidis.Food Control.14: 107235.
10.Sheng, L., Shen, X., Ulloa, O., Suslow, T.V., Hanrahan, I., Zhu, M.J. (2020). Evaluation of JC9450 and neutral electrolyzed water in controllingListeria monocytogeneson fresh apples and preventing cross-contamination.Frontiers in Microbiology.10: 3128.
11.Sheng, L., Shen, X., Zhu, M.J. (2020). Screening of non-pathogenic surrogates ofListeria monocytogenesapplicable for chemical antimicrobial interventions of fresh apples.Food Control. 110: 106977.
12.Sheng, L., Shen, X., Benedict, C., Su, Y., Tsai, H.C., Schacht, E., Kruger, C.E., Drennan, M., Zhu, M.J. (2019). Microbial safety of dairy manure fertilizer application in raspberry production.Frontiers in Microbiology. 10: 2276.
13.Shen, X.,Sheng, L., Gao, H., Hanrahan, I., Suslow, T.V., Zhu, M.J. (2019). Enhanced efficacy of peroxyacetic acid againstListeria monocytogeneson fresh apples at elevated temperature.Frontiers in Microbiology. 10: 1196.
14.Sheng, L., Tsai, H.C., Zhu, H., Zhu, M.J. (2019). Survival ofListeria monocytogeneson blueberries post-sanitizer treatments and subsequent cold storages.Food Control.100: 138-143.
15.Sheng, L.,Hanrahan, I.,Sun, X., Taylor, M.H., Zhu, M.J. (2018). Survival ofListeria innocuaon Fuji apples under commercial cold storage with or without low dose continuous ozone gaseous.Food Microbiology.76: 21-28.
16.Sheng, L., Edwards, K., Tsai, H.C., Hanrahan, I., Zhu, M.J. (2017). Fate ofListeria monocytogeneson fresh apples under different storage temperatures.Frontiers in Microbiology.8: 1396.
17.Sheng, L., Barbara, R., Zhu, M.J. (2016). Cinnamon oil inhibited Shiga toxin 2 phage induction and Shiga toxin 2 production inE. coliO157:H7.Applied and Environmental Microbiology.82: 6531-6540.
18.Sheng, L., Olsen, S.A., Hu, J., Yue, W., Means, W.J., Zhu, M.J. (2016). Inhibitory effects of grape seed extract on growth, quorum sensing, and virulence factors of CDC “top-six” non-O157 Shiga toxin producingE. coli. International Journal of Food Microbiology.229: 24-32.
19.Sheng, L.and Zhu, M.J. (2014). Inhibitory effect ofCinnamomum cassiaoil on non-O157 Shiga toxin-producingEscherichia coli. Food Control. 46: 374-381.