唐雪,博士,硕士生导师,副教授,麻将胡了试玩 ,食品营养与功能食品工程技术研究中心
2013/11-至今,麻将胡了试玩 ,食品营养与功能食品工程技术研究中心,副教授
Xue Tang, Yingying Zheng, Tristan C. Liu, Jianguo Liu, Jun Wang, Yipin Lu, Kai Zhang, Peng Zhou. Fragrant rapeseed oil consumption prevents blood cholesterol accumulation via promoting fecal bile excretion and reducing oxidative stress in high cholesterol diet fed rats.Journal of Functional Foods.2022 (88): 104893
Jun Wang,Xue Tang#, Yipin Lu, Yingying Zheng, Fanhang Zeng, Wentao Shi , Peng Zhou. Lycopene Regulates Dietary Dityrosine-Induced Mitochondrial-Lipid Homeostasis by Increasing Mitochondrial Complex Activity.Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 2022, 66(1):e2100724.
Yipin Lu, Shuhua Ma,Xue Tang#, Bowen Li, Yueting Ge, Kai Zhang, Shaojun Yang, Qi Zhao, Ying Xu, Haoyi Ren. Dietary Dityrosine Induces Mitochondrial Dysfunction by Diminished Thyroid Hormone Function in Mouse Myocardia.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68(34):9223-9234.
Xue Tang, Shuhua Ma, Yingrui Li, Yongjuan Sun , Kai Zhang , Qin Zhou, Renqiang Yu.Evaluating the Activity of Sodium Butyrate to Prevent Osteoporosis in Rats by Promoting Osteal GSK-3β/Nrf2 Signaling and Mitochondrial Function.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2020, 68(24):6588-6603.
Angelo Uriho, Shaojun Yang,Xue Tang#, Chang-Shu Liu, Sai Wang , Yang Cong , Junwei Zhang , Peng Zhou. Benefits of blended oil consumption over other sources of lipids on the cardiovascular system in obese rats.Food Function. 2019, 10(9):5290-5301.
Yves Harimana,Xue Tang#, Pao Xu, Gangchun Xu, EricKarang wa, Kai Zhang, Yongjuan Sun,Yingrui Li, Shuhua Ma,Angelo Uriho,Marie Alice Tuyishimire. Effect of long-term moderate exercise on muscle cellularity and texture, antioxidant activities, tissue composition, freshness indicators and flavor characteristics in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides).Aquaculture. 2019, 510:100-108.
Xue Tang, Renqiang Yu, Qin Zhou, Shanyu Jiang, Guowei Le. Protective effects of γ-aminobutyric acid against H2O2-induced oxidative stress in RIN-m5F pancreatic cells.Nutrition & Metabolism.2018, 15:60.
Yves Harimana,Xue Tang#, Guowei Leb, Xingan Xing, Kai Zhang, Yongjuan Sun, Yingrui Li, Shuhua Ma, Eric Karangwa, Marie Alice Tuyishimire. Quality parameters of black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) raised in lotic and lentic freshwater systems.LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2018,90:45–52.
Xingan Xing, Zheshu Jiang,Xue Tang#, Panpan Wang, Yingrui Li, Yongjuan Sun, Guowei Le, Sixiang Zou. Sodium butyrate protects against oxidative stress in HepG2 cells through modulating Nrf2 pathway and mitochondrial function.J Physiol Biochem. 2017, 73:405–414.
Xue Tang, Gangchun Xu, Ruobo Gu. Combined effect of electrolyzed oxidizing water and chitosan on the microbiological, physicochemical, and sensory attributes of American shad (Alosa sapidissima) during refrigerated storage.Food Control, 2014,46:397-402.
Xue Tang, Qiuping Wu, Guowei Le, Jiao Wang, Kaijian Yin, Yonghui Shi. Structural and Antioxidant Modification of Wheat Peptides Modified by the Heat and Lipid Peroxidation Product Malondialdehyde.Journal of Food Science. 2012, 71:H16-22.
Xue Tang, Qiuping Wu, Guowei Le, Yonghui Shi. Effects of heat treatment on structural modification and in vivo antioxidant capacity of soy protein.Nutrition, 2012, 28:1180–1185
Xue Tang, Yonglan Yang, Yonghui Shi, Guowei Le. Comparative in vivo antioxidant capacity of D,L-2-hydroxy-4-methylthio butanoic acid (HMTBA) and D,L-methionine in male mice fed a high-fat diet.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.2011, 91(12):2166-2172.
Xue Tang, Gangchun Xu, Hui Dai, Pao Xu, Chengxiang Zhang, Ruobo Gu. Differences in muscle cellularity and flesh quality between wild and farmedCoilia nasus(Engraulidae).Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2012, 92 (7):1504-1510.
Xue Tang, Haitian Ma, Sixiang Zou, Xijie Xu, Chengzhao Lin. Dehydroepiandrosterone activates cyclic adenosine 3’,5’-monophosphate/ protein kinase A signalling and suppresses sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1 expression in cultured primary chicken hepatocytes.British Journal of Nutrition, 2009, 102:680–686.