张丽娜,荷兰瓦格宁根大学博士、美国北卡莱罗纳大学博士后,麻将胡了试玩 副研究员。主要围绕乳中功能组分结构解析、加工特性、营养健康功效、分离制备及高值化应用等方面开展研究。主持承担国家自然科学基金面上基金、国家自然科学基金青年基金,十三五及十四五国家重点研发计划子课题等国家级及省部级项目6项;主持百万级校企合作项目3项;被评为江苏省“双创博士”;入选国际乳品协会中国委员会首届“优秀乳业科技工作者”;入选中国食品科学技术学会“未来科学领袖计划”。发表文章60余篇,授权专利6项。兼任中国畜产品青年委员协会委员、江苏省营养学会食品营养与特殊食品委员兼秘书。担任《Journal of Food Science and Animal Products》和《Journal of Future Foods》青年编委,《中国乳品工业》青年副主任委员,《Foods》客座编辑。
1.国家自然科学面上基金,基于N-糖修饰异质性解析乳铁蛋白抗消化结构及完整吸收特性机制研究,(32372246), 2014.01-2027.12,课题负责人,50万
4.十三五国家重点研发计划“食品过敏标识的风险评估技术研究”项目子任务一“重要食物致敏原蛋白免疫交叉反应及致敏性评价体系研究”(2019YFC1605002),2019. 12-2022.12,83万
5.国家自然科学青年基金,糖基化在调控羊乳脂肪球膜蛋白热稳定性中的作用及机制, 31801463, 2019.01-2021.12,课题负责人,20万
6.江苏省自然科学基金青年基金,糖基化影响羊乳脂肪球膜蛋白热稳定性的机理,BK20180612, 2018.07-2020.06,课题负责人,20万
1.Mengyu Han, Xuemin Wang, Kai Zhang, Ignatius Man-Yau Szeto, Sufang Duan, Yalu Yan, Biao Liu, Kasper Hettinga,Lina Zhang*, Peng Zhou. How α-lactalbumin and β-casein level in infant formula influence the protein and minerals absorption properties by using Caco-2 cell model.Food Bioscience. 2024, 59, 103948.
2.Hongyang Han#, Jingjing Pei#, Jianhui Feng, Huifang Yao, Binsong Han, Yanmei Hou, Kui Xie, Jinjing Zhong,Lina Zhang*, Kasper Hettinga and Peng Zhou. Comparison of glycation and glycosylation level between bovine milk-based and goat milk-based infant formula through label-free proteomics techniques.Food Bioscience.2024, 59: 103857.
3.Yiqian Zhang,Lina Zhang*, Siquan Xia, Yanmei Hou, Tong Wu, Peng Zhou. Site-specific glycoproteomic analysis of purified lactoferrin from human and animal milk.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2024, 254:127766.
4.Siquan Xia,Lina Zhang*, Yiqian Zhang, Hongyang Han, Yanmei Hou, Tong Wu, Peng Zhou. Structural characteristics and thermal stabilities of bovine, caprine and ovine lactoferrins with different iron saturation levels.Food Bioscience. 2023, 56:103275.
5.Lina Zhang, Qiaran Lin, Jinyue Zhang, Yue Shi, Lina Pan, Yanmei Hou, Xiaoyu Peng, Wei Li, Jiaqi Wang, and Peng Zhou*. Qualitative and quantitative changes of oligosaccharides in human and animal milk over lactation.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.2023, 71(42):15553-15568.封面
6.Tong Liu,Jianhui Feng,Hongyang Han,Jialu Huang,Lina Zhang*, Kasper Hettinga,Peng Zhou. Anti-inflammatory effects of dietary β-caseins peptide and its peptide QEPVL in a DSS-induced inflammatory bowel disease mouse model.Food Bioscience. 2023, 56:103375.
7.Binsong Han,Lina Zhang*,Ying Ma, Yanmei Hou, Kui Xie, Jingjing Zhong and Peng Zhou. Quantitative phosphoproteome of infant formula: New insights into the difference of phosphorylation in milk proteins between bovine and goat specie.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2023, 71, 3531−3540.封面
8.Lina Zhang, Ruoya Zhou, Kai Zhang, Peng Zhou*.Antigen presentation induced variation in ovalbumin sensitization between chicken and duck species.Food & Function. 2023, 14, 445.
9.Kai Zhang,Lina Zhang,*Ruoya Zhou, Jinjing Zhong, Kui Xie, Yanmei Hou and Peng Zhou. Cow’s milk αS1-casein is more sensitizing than goat’s milk αS1-casein in a mouse model.Food&Function. 2022, 13, 6484. 2022年6月22日.封面
10.Jianhui Feng,Lina Zhang*, Xue Tang, Wei Hu, Peng Zhou* Major yolk protein from sea cucumber (Stichopus japonicus) attenuates acute colitis via regulation of microbial dysbiosis and inflammatory responses.Food Research International, 2022, 51: 1108411.
11.Bingsong Han,Lina Zhang*, Baolong Luo, Yongqing Ni, Nidhi Bansal, Peng Zhou*Comparison of milk fat globule membrane and whey proteome between Dromedary and Bactrian camel.Food Chemistry. 2022, 367: 130658.
12.Yue Shi, Binsong Han,Lina Zhang*, Peng Zhou. Comprehensive identification and absolute quantification of milk oligosaccharides in different species.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2021 Dec 29; 69(51):15585-15597.
13.Lina Zhang,Jinyue Zhang, Binsong Han, Chen Chen, Jun Liu, Zhaona Sun, Min Liu, Peng Zhou*.Gestational Diabetes Mellitus induced Changes in Proteome and Glycated /Glycosylated Proteome of Human Colostrum.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.2021, 69(36):10749-10759.
14.Jingyan Qu,Lina Zhang*, Li’ ang Yin, Jun Liu, Zhaona Sun, Peng Zhou*.Changes in bioactive proteins and serum proteome of human milk under different frozen storage.Food Chemistry. 2021, 352:129436.
15.Ying Ma, Yanmei Hou, Binsong Han, Kui Xie,Lina Zhang*and Peng Zhou*. Peptidome comparison following gastrointestinal digesta of bovine versus caprine milk serum.Journal of Dairy Science. 2021, 104: 1-14.
16.Binsong Han, Yaqiong Jian, Xubin Xia, Wei Hu,Lina Zhang* and Peng Zhou. Studying the effects of sea cucumber ovum powder on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease by proteomics techniques in a rat model.Food&Function. 2020,11, 6139-6147.
17.Lina Zhang, Ying Ma, Zhenyu Yang, Shan Jiang, Jun Liu, Kasper A. Hettinga, Jianqiang Lai, Peng Zhou. Geography and ethnicity related variation in the Chinese human milk serum proteome.Food & Function. 2019, 10: 7818-7827. Ying Ma,Lina Zhang*, Yanyan Wu, Peng Zhou*. Changes in milk fat globule membrane proteome after pasteurization in human, bovine and caprine species.Food Chemistry. 2019, 279: 209–215.
18.Lina Zhang, Chih-Wei Liu, and Qibin Zhang. Online 2D-LC-MS/MS Platform for Analysis of Glycated Proteome.Analytical Chemistry. 2018, 90, 1081-1086.
1.周鹏;张丽娜;施悦;刘小鸣;刘要卫;刘大松.3’-唾液酸乳糖在制备缓解食物过敏的功能性食品中的应用. 中国发明专利. 2023. ZL2022106570709.
2.周鹏;冯建慧;张丽娜. 海参卵黄蛋白在制备缓解结肠炎的功能性食品中的应用. 中国发明专利. 2023. ZL202111227117.X
3.周鹏;冯建慧;张丽娜. 三步沉淀提取海参体壁主要卵黄蛋白的方法.中国发明专利. 2022. ZL202011518164.5
4.周鹏;张凯;张丽娜. 一种分离as1-酪蛋白的方法. 中国发明专利. 2022. ZL 202110292593.3
5.周鹏;张凯;张丽娜.A method foras1-casein separation.国际发明专利. 2022. 20220923145836717
6.罗永康,张丽娜. 一种快速无损伤检测淡水鱼鲜度的方法. 中国发明专利. ZL201005250008671.0