张文立,江南大学食品科学与技术国家重点实验室、麻将胡了试玩 副研究员,硕士生导师,主要从事食品酶高效挖掘、定向分子改造、食品级表达等研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、“十四五”国家重点研发计划子任务、江苏省自然科学青年基金等纵向项目5项;主持江苏一鸣、江苏梁丰、山东海之宝等企业合作项目3项;以第一/通讯作者在Trends Food Sci Tech、Biotechnol Adv、Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr、J Agric Food Chem等期刊发表SCI论文34篇,编著英文书1部(排名2/3);授权国家发明专利12项、国际专利1项;荣获商业联合会科技进步一等、二等奖各1项,金龙鱼青年教师奖等。
1. Mu W*,Zhang W, Chen W. Novel enzymes for functional carbohydrates production: From scientific research to application in health food industry [M].Springer Nature, 2021. (ISBN 978-981-336-021-1, 2/3)
1. Chen J, Chen D, Chen Q, Xu W,Zhang W*, Mu W. Computer-aided targeted mutagenesis ofThermoclostridium caenicolaD‑allulose 3‑epimerase for improved thermostability.J Agric Food Chem, 2022, 70: 1943-1951.
2.Zhang W, Chen D, Chen J, Xu W, Chen Q, Wu H, Guang C, Mu W*. D-Allulose, a versatile rare sugar: recent biotechnological advances and challenge.Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 2021,DOI10.1080/10408398.2021.2023091.
3. Wu H, Chen M,Zhang W*, Mu W. Overview of strategies for developing high thermostability industrial enzymes: Discovery, mechanism, modification and challenges.Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 2021, DOI10.1080/10408398.2021.1970508.
4. Wu H, Guang C,Zhang W*, Mu W. Recent development of phenyllactic acid: physicochemical properties, biotechnological production strategies and applications.Crit Rev Biotechnol, 2021,DOI10.1080/07388551.2021.2010645.
5. Chen Q, Wu Y, Huang Z,Zhang W*, Mu W*. Molecular characterization of a mesophilic cellobiose 2-epimerase that maintains a high catalytic efficiency at low temperatures.J Agric Food Chem, 2021, 69(29): 8268-8275.
6. Chen D, Chen J, Liu X, Guang C,Zhang W*, Mu W. Biochemical identification of a hyperthermostable L-ribulose 3-epimerase fromLabedella endophyticaand its application for D-allulose bioconversion.Int J Biol Macromol, 2021, 189: 214-222.
7. Chen Q, Wu Y, Huang Z,Zhang W*. Kinetic study and molecular dynamics simulation of two novel mannose isomerases.Catal Sci Technol, 2021, 11(17): 5898-5907.
8. Chen Q, Xu W, Wu H, Guang C*,Zhang W*, Mu W. An overview of D-galactose utilization through microbial fermentation and enzyme-catalyzed conversion.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2021: 105(19): 7161-7170.
9. Mahmood S, Iqbal M W,Zhang W*, Mu W. A review on L-ribose isomerases for the biocatalytic production of L-ribose and L-ribulose.Food Res Int, 2021, 145: 110409.
10. Chen J, Chen D, Ke M, Ye S, Wang X,Zhang W*, Mu W. Characterization of a recombinant D-allulose 3-epimerase fromThermoclostridium caenicolawith potential application in D-allulose production.Mol Biotechnol, 2021, 63(6): 534-543.
11. Iqbal M W, Riaz T, Mahmood S, Ali K, Khan I M, Rehman A,Zhang W*, Mu W. A review on selective L-fucose/D-arabinose isomerases for biocatalytic production of L-fuculose/D-ribulose.Int J Biol Macromol, 2021, 168: 558-571.
12. Wu H, Chen M, Guang C,Zhang W*, Mu W. Identification of a novel recombinant D-lyxose isomerase fromThermoprotei archaeonwith high thermostable, weak-acid and nickel ion dependent properties.Int J Biol Macromol, 2020, 164: 1267-1274.
13.Li W, Zhu Y, Jiang X,Zhang W*, Guang C, Mu W. One-pot production of D-allulose from inulin by a novel identified thermostable exoinulinase fromAspergillus piperisandDoreasp. D-allulose 3-epimerase.Process Biochem, 2020, 99: 87-95.
14. Mahmood S, Iqbal M W, Riaz T, Mu W,Zhang W*.Characterization of recombinant L-ribose isomerase acquired fromCryobacteriumsp. N21 with potential application in L-ribulose production.Process Biochem, 2020, 97: 1-10.
15.Zhang W, Chen J, Chen Q, Wu H, Mu W*. Sugar alcohols derived from lactose: lactitol, galactitol, and sorbitol.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2020: 104(22): 9487-9495.
16. Chen Q, Xiao Y, Shakhnovich E I*,Zhang W*, Mu W. Semi-rational design and molecular dynamics simulations study of the thermostability enhancement of cellobiose 2-epimerases.Int J Biol Macromol, 2020, 154: 1356-1365.
17. Chen J, Wu H,Zhang W*, Mu W. Ribose-5-phosphate isomerases: characteristics, structural features, and applications.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2020, 104(15): 6429-6441.
18. Chen J, Wu H,Zhang W*, Mu W. Recent advances in properties, production, and applications of L-ribulose.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2020, 104(13): 5663-5672
19. Wu H, Huang J, Deng Y*,Zhang W*, Mu W. Production of L-ribose from L-arabinose by co-expression of L-arabinose isomerase and D-lyxose isomerase inEscherichia coli.Enzyme Microb Technol, 2020, 132: 109443.
20. Tian Y, Deng Y*,Zhang W*, Mu W. Sucrose isomers as alternative sweeteners: properties, production, and applications.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2019, 103(21-22): 8677-8687.
21.Zhang W, Mu W, Wu H*, Liang Z. An overview of the biological production of 1-deoxynojirimycin: current status and future perspective.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2019, 103(23-24): 9335-9344.
22.Zhang W, Xu W, Ni D, Dai Q, Guang C, Zhang T, Mu W*. An overview of levan-degrading enzyme from microbes.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2019, 103(19): 7891-7902.
23. Xiao Y, Chen Q, Guang C,Zhang W*, Mu W. An overview on biological production of functional lactose derivatives.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2019, 103(9): 3683-3691.
24. Xiao Y, Chen Q, Shakhnovich E I*,Zhang W*, Mu W. Simulation-guided enzyme discovery: A new microbial source of cellobiose 2-epimerase.Int J Biol Macromol, 2019, 139: 1002-1008.
25.Zhang W, Huang J, Jia M, Guang C, Zhang T, Mu W*. Characterization of a novel D-lyxose isomerase fromThermoflavimicrobium dichotomicumand its application for D-mannose production.Process Biochem, 2019, 83: 131-136.
26.Zhang W, Zhang Y, Huang J, Chen Z, Zhang T, Guang C, Mu W*. Thermostability improvement of the D-allulose 3-epimerase fromDoreasp CAG317 by site directed mutagenesis at the interface regions.J Agric Food Chem, 2018, 66(22): 5593-5601.
27.Zhang W, Zhang T, Jiang B, Mu W*. Enzymatic approaches to rare sugar production.Biotechnol Adv, 2017, 35(2): 267-274.
28.Zhang W, Li H, Jiang B*, Zhang T, Mu W. Production of D-allulose from D-glucose byEscherichia colitransformant cells co-expressing D-glucose isomerase and D-psicose 3-epimerase genes.J Sci Food Agric, 2017, 97(10): 3420-3426.
3. 2021年金龙鱼青年教师奖
8.沐万孟;张文立;李雯;朱莺莺;万李,一种高效生产2‘-岩藻糖基乳糖的重组菌的构建方法及应用,ZL 201911188891.7
9.沐万孟;张文立;万李;朱莺莺;李雯,一种高效生产GDP-岩藻糖的大肠杆菌工程菌株,ZL 201911092950.0