周星,麻将胡了试玩 副教授、硕士生导师,韩国高丽大学博士。主要从事淀粉科学与谷物加工方面的研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、江苏省自然科学基金青年项目、“十二五”科技支撑计划项目子课题、“十三五”国家重点研发项目子课题、以及企业横向项目等科研项目课题的研究。在Carbohydrate Polymers、International Journal of Biological Macromolecules、Journal of Cereal Science等业内主流期刊发表SCI论文20余篇;参编英文专著3部;以第一和主要发明人获得国家发明专利授权20余项。
博士,(生物技术),(Korea University)
4.直链淀粉链长对玉米支链淀粉回生的影响机制:国家自然科学基金青年项目(31301505) 2014-2016
1.Zhou X., Ye X., He J., Wang R., Jin Z.* 2020. Effects of electron beam irradiation on the properties of waxy maize starch and its films. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 151:239-246
2. Wu C.,Zhou X.*2018 Functional Starch and Application in Food: Chapter 1 Introduction. Springer.
3. Yuan C., Shen W., Yu B.,Zhou X.2018. Cyclodextrins -- Preparation and Application in Industry:Chapter 3 Applications in Food. World Scientific Publishing Co.
4. Zhang H.,Zhou X.; He J., Wang T., Luo X., Wang L., Wang R., Chen Z. 2017. Impact of amylosucrase modification on the structural and physicochemical properties of native and acid-thinned waxy corn starch. Food Chemistry. 220: 413-419
5. Wu C.,Zhou X.,Wei B., Tian Y., Xu X., Jin Z.*2017. Effects of -maltotriohydrolase hydrolysis prior to debranching on the structure and digestibility of normal maize starch. Starch-Starke. 69(3-4): 1-8
6. Zhang H.,Zhou X.,Wang T., He J., Yue M., Luo X., Wang L., Wang R., Chen Z. 2017. Enzymatically modified waxy corn starch with amylosucrase: The effect of branch chain elongation on structural and physicochemical properties. Food Hydrocolloids. 63: 518-524
7. Li D., Yang N.*,Zhou X.,Jin Y., Guo L., Xie Z., Jin Z., Xu X.* 2017. Characterization of acid hydrolysis of granular potato starch under induced electric field. Food Hydrocolloids. 71: 198-206
8. Wu C.,Zhou X.,Tian Y., Xu X., Jin Z.* 2017. Hydrolytic mechanism of alpha-maltotriohydrolase on waxy maize starch and retrogradation properties of the hydrolysates. Food Hydrocolloids. 66: 136-143
9. Zhang H.,Zhou X.,Wang T., Luo X., Wang L., Li Y., Wang R.*, Chen Z. 2016. New insights into the action mode of amylosucrase on amylopectin. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 88: 380-384
10. Chang Q.,Zhou X.,Wu C., Xu X., Jin Z.* 2015. Preparation, characterization, water solubility, and targeted delivery of linear dextrin-conjugated linoleic acid inclusion complex. Starch. 67(5-6): 521-527
11. Wu C.,Zhou X.,Wei B., Li H., Tian Y., Ali B., Xu X., Jin Z.* 2015. Molecular characterization and in vitro digestibility of normal maize starch hydrolyzed by maltotriohydrolase. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 74: 283-288
12. Xu Y.,Zhou X.,Bai Y., Wang J., Wu, C., Xu X., Jin Z.* 2014. Cycloamylose production from amylomaize by isoamylase and Thermus aquaticus 4-alpha-glucanotransferase. Carbohydrate Polymers. 102: 66-73
13. Wu C.,Zhou X., Xu Y., Li H., Tian Y., Xu X., Jin Z.* 2014. Characterization and mechanism of action of Microbacterium imperiale glucan 1,4-alpha-maltotriohydrolase. Carbohydrate Research. 384: 46-5
14. Wu C.,Zhou X.,Wei B., Li H., Tian Y., Ali B., Xu X., Jin Z.* 2014. Molecular characterization and in vitro digestibility of normal maize starch hydrolyzed by maltotriohydrolase. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 87(1): 235-239
15.Zhou X.,Tian Y., Jin Z. 2013. Cyclodextrin Chemistry-Preparation and Application:Chapter 4 Preparation of branched-cyclodextrins. World Scientific Publishing Co.
16.Zhou X.,Wang R., Zhang Y., Yoo S-H, Lim S-T* 2013. Effects of amylose chain length and heat treatment on amylose–glycerol monocaprate complex formation. Carbohydrate Polymers. 95: 227-232
17Zhou X.,Chung H-J, Kim J-Y, Lim S-T* 2013. In vitro analyses of resistant starch in retrograded waxy and normal corn starches. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 55: 113-117
18.Zhou X.,Lim S-T* 2012. Pasting viscosity and in vitro digestibility of retrograded waxy and normal corn starch powders. Carbohydrate Polymers. 87(1): 235-239
19.Zhou X.,Wang R., Yoo S-H, Lim S-T*Water effect on the interaction between amylose and amylopectin during retrogradation. Carbohydrate Polymers. 86(4): 1671-1674
20.Zhou X.,Baik B-K, Wang R., Yoo S-H, Lim S-T* 2010. Retrogradation of waxy and normal corn starch gels by temperature cycling. Journal of Cereal Science. 51(1): 57-65