范柳萍,女,博士,麻将胡了试玩 教授,博士生导师,麻将胡了试玩 食品营养与功能食品工程技术研究中心主任。江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人,“六大人才高峰”高层次人才。中国粮油学会薯类分会理事,《粮油食品科技》第四届编委,中国粮油学会油脂分会第八届理事会专家组成员。主要从事果蔬方便食品、果蔬汁饮料、功能食品等领域的研究与开发工作。近年来,主持国家自然科学基金项目、“十三五”国家重点研发计划子课题、公益性行业(农业)科研专项、粮食公益性行业科研专项、江苏省自然基金面上项目等省部级以上课题10余项;在国内外期刊发表论文100多篇,其中SCI论文70多篇,获授权专利20余项,获得省部级以上奖励10余项。
5)“十三五”国家重点研发计划 “食品安全突发事件及重大事件应急演练及应急保障决策系统研究”(2018YFC1603705),科技部,2018-2021,子课题主持。
1)Zongyu Huang,Yang Ni,QunYu,Jinwei Li,N.A.Liuping Fan*,Michael Eskin*,(2022). (2022). Deep learning in food science: An insight in evaluating Pickering emulsion properties by droplets classification and quantification via object detection algorithm. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 304,102663. (IF:15.190)
2)Yang Ni, Jingjing Wu, Yanting Jiang, Jinwei Li,Liuping Fan*, Shengquan Huang* (2022). High-internal-phase pickering emulsions stabilized by ultrasound-induced nanocellulose hydrogels, Food hydrocolloids, 125: 107395.(IF: 11.504)
3)Ying Liu, Xin Ma, Jinwei Li,Liuping Fan*, Shengquan Huang* (2022). Study on the antioxidative mechanism of tocopherol loaded ethyl cellulose particles in thermal-oxidized soybean oil, Carbohydrate Polymers, 276: 118734.(IF: 10.723)
4)Zhengwei Zhang, Jin Zhang,Liuping Fan*, Paul A. Kilmartin* (2022). Degradation of cyanidin-3-O-glucoside induced by antioxidant compounds in model Chinese bayberry wine: Kinetic studies and mechanisms, Food Chemistry, 373:131426.(IF: 9.231)
5)Erpeng Chao, Jinwei Li,Liuping Fan* (2022). Enhancing drying efficiency and quality of seed-used pumpkin using ultrasound, freeze-thawing and blanching pretreatments, Food Chemistry, 384: 132496.(IF: 9.231)
6)Erpeng Chao, Jinwei Li,Liuping Fan* (2023). Influence of combined freeze-drying and far-infrared drying technologies on physicochemical properties of seed-used pumpkin, Food Chemistry, 398: 133849.(IF: 9.231)
7)Yan Li, Jinwei Li,Liuping Fan* (2022). Effects of combined drying methods on physicochemical and rheological properties of instant Tremella fuciformis soup, Food Chemistry, 396: 133644.(IF: 9.231)
8)Mengwei Wang, Jinwei Li,Liuping Fan* (2022). Quality changes in fresh-cut asparagus with ultrasonic-assisted washing combined with cinnamon essential oil fumigation, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 187: 111873. (IF: 6.751)
9)Qun Yu,Liuping Fan*, Zhongyang Ding* (2022). The inhibition mechanisms between asparagus polyphenols after hydrothermal treatment and tyrosinase: A circular dichroism spectrum, fluorescence, and molecular docking study, Food Bioscience, 48: 101790. (IF: 5.318)
10)Yuhong Gong, Jun Li, Jinwei Li,Liuping Fan*, Li Wang** (2022). Effect of ultrasound-assisted freeze-dried on microstructure, bioactive substances, and antioxidant activity of Flos Sophorae Immaturus. Food Bioscience 49: 101913. (IF: 5.318)
11)Jun Li, Yuhong Gong, Jinwei Li,Liuping Fan* (2022). In vitro xanthine oxidase inhibitory properties of Flos Sophorae Immaturus and potential mechanisms, Food Bioscience, 47: 101711. (IF: 5.318)
12)Jun Li, Yuhong Gong, Jinwei Li,Liuping Fan* (2022). In vitro inhibitory effects of polyphenols from Tartary buckwheat on xanthine oxidase: Identification, inhibitory activity, and action mechanism, Food Chemistry, 379: 132100.(IF: 9.231)
13)Jun Li, Yuhong Gong, Jinwei Li,Liuping Fan* (2022). Hydrothermal treatment improves xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity and affects the polyphenol profile of Flos Sophorae Immaturus, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, DOI:10.1002/jsfa.12215.(IF: 4.125)
14)Jun Li, Jinwei Li,Liuping Fan*, (2022). Recent Advances in Alleviating Hyperuricemia Through Dietary Sources: Bioactive Ingredients and Structure–activity Relationships, Food Reviews International, DOI: 10.1080/87559129.2022.2124414. (IF: 6.043)
15)Hui Duan, Jinwei Li, Leilei Yu*,Liuping Fan* (2022). The road ahead of dietary restriction on anti-aging: focusing on personalized nutrition, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 1-18, DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2022.2110034. (IF: 11.208)
16)Hui Duan, Jiani Pan, Min Guo, Jinwei Li, Leilei Yu*,Liuping Fan* (2022). Dietary strategies with anti-aging potential: Dietary patterns and supplements, Food Research International 158(10): 111501, DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2022.111501. (IF: 7.425)
17)Mengmeng Ji, Jinwei Li,Liuping Fan*. (2022). Study on the antifungal effect and mechanism of oregano essential oil fumigation against Aspergillus flavus, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, DOI: 10.1111/jfpp.17026. (IF: 2.609)
18)Ying Liu,Jianjun Tian,Tingting Zhang,Liuping Fan*(2021). Effects of frying temperature and pore profile on the oil absorption behavior of fried potato chips, Food Chemistry, 345: 128832. (IF: 9.231)
19)Ying Liu,Jianjun Tian,Zhenhua Duan,Jinwei Li,Liuping Fan* (2021). Effect of oil surface activity on oil absorption behavior of potato strips during frying process, Food Chemistry, 365: 130427. (IF: 9.231)
20)Ying Liu,Jianjun Tian,Bo Hu,Peibin Yu,Liuping Fan* (2021). Relationship between crust characteristics and oil uptake of potato strips with hot-air pre-drying during frying process, Food Chemistry, 360: 130045. (IF: 9.231)
21)Liu, Y; Chen, WF;Fan, LP(2021).Effects of different drying methods on the storage stability of barley grass powder, JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE,10.1002/jsfa.11443 (IF: 4.125)
22)Qun Yu,Liuping Fan* (2021). Improving the bioactive ingredients and functions of asparagus from efficient to emerging processing technologies: A review, Food Chemistry, 358: 129903. (IF: 9.231)
23)Qun Yu,Liuping Fan*(2021). Antityrosinase and antioxidant activity of asparagus and its inhibition on B16F10 melanoma cells before and after hydrothermal treatment. Food Bioscience, 41, 101026. (IF: 5.318)
24)Qun Yu,Liuping Fan* (2021). Understanding the combined effect and inhibition mechanism of 4-hydroxycinnamic acid and ferulic acid as tyrosinase inhibitors. Food Chemistry, 352, 129369.(IF: 9.231)
25)Yang Ni, Xiaoshu Tang,Liuping Fan* (2021). Improvement in physical and thermal stability of cloudy ginkgo beverage during autoclave sterilization: Effects of microcrystalline cellulose and gellan gum. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 135, 110062. (IF: 6.056)
26)Yang Ni, Jinwei Li,Liuping Fan* (2021). Effect of ultrasonic conditions on the interfacial property and emulsifying property of cellulose nanoparticles from ginkgo seed shells. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 70, 105335. (IF: 9.336)
27)Ni Yang, Gu Qianhui, Li Jinwei,Fan Liuping*(2021). Modulating in vitro gastrointestinal digestion of nanocellulose-stabilized pickering emulsions by altering cellulose lengths, Food Hydrocolloids, 118: 106738. (IF: 11.504)
28)Jin Zhang, Tingting Xie,Liuping Fan* (2021). Improving the quality and reducing oil absorption of fried potato chips by ultrasound pretreatment. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 148, 111763. (IF: 6.056)
29)Jin Zhang, Peibin Yu,Liuping Fan*, Yong Sun (2021). Effect of ultrasound treatment on the starch properties and oil absorption of potato chips. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 70, 105347. (IF: 9.336)
30)Jin Zhang,Liuping Fan* (2021). Effects of preliminary treatment by ultrasonic and convective air drying on the properties and oil absorption of potato chips. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 74, 105548.(IF: 9.336)
31)Xin Ma, Ying Liu,Liuping Fan*, Weiqiang Yan (2021). Ethyl cellulose particles loaded with alpha-tocopherol for inhibiting thermal oxidation of soybean oil. Carbohydrate Polymers, 252, 117169. (IF: 10.723)
32)Hui Duan#, Leilei Yu#, Fengwei Tian, Qixiao Zhai*,Liuping Fan*, Wei Chen (2021). Antibiotic-induced gut dysbiosis and barrier disruption and the potential protective strategies. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 1-26. (IF: 11.208)
33)Yu Jiang,Liuping Fan* (2021). The effect of Poria cocos ethanol extract on the intestinal barrier function and intestinal microbiota in mice with breast cancer. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 266, 113456. (IF: 5.195)
34)Jin Zhang, Ying Liu,Liuping Fan* (2020). Effect of pore characteristics on oil absorption behavior during frying of potato chips. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 66, 102508. (IF: 7.104)
35)Qun Yu,Liuping Fan*, Jiajing Duan, Nan Yu, Na Li, Qingqing Zhu, Nana Wang (2020). Ultrasound and heating treatments improve the antityrosinase ability of polyphenols. Food Chemistry, 317, 126415. (IF: 9.231)
36)Qun Yu,Liuping Fan* (2020). New insights into antityrosinase capacity and polyphenols of Asparagus during hydrothermal treatments. Food Chemistry, 326, 126968. (IF: 9.231)
37)Qun Yu, Jiajing Duan, Nan Yu,Liuping Fan* (2020). Enhancing the antityrosinase activity of saponins and polyphenols from Asparagus by hot air coupled with microwave treatments. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 124, 109174. (IF: 6.056)
38)Qun Yu,Liuping Fan*, Jinwei Li (2020). A novel process for asparagus polyphenols utilization by ultrasound assisted adsorption and desorption using resins. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 63, 104920. (IF: 9.336)
39)Zhengwei Zhang, Jinwei Li,Liuping Fan*, Zhenhua Duan* (2020). Effect of organic acid on cyanidin-3-O-glucoside oxidation mediated by iron in model Chinese bayberry wine. Food Chemistry, 310, 125980. (IF: 9.231)
40)Zhengwei Zhang, Qun Yu, Jinwei Li,Liuping Fan* (2020). Effect of package oxygen on color, color-related compounds, and volatile composition of Chinese bayberry wine after bottling. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 128, 109430. (IF: 6.056)
41)Longyang Yao,Liuping Fan*, Zhenhua Duan* (2020). Effect of different pretreatments followed by hot-air and far-infrared drying on the bioactive compounds, physicochemical property and microstructure of mango slices. Food Chemistry, 305, 125477. (IF: 9.231)
42)Longyang Yao,Liuping Fan*, Zhenhua Duan* (2020). Effects of different packaging systems and storage temperatures on the physical and chemical quality of dried mango slices. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 121, 108981.(IF: 6.056)
43)Yu Jiang,Liuping Fan* (2020). Evaluation of anticancer activities of Poria cocos ethanol extract in breast cancer: In vivo and in vitro, identification and mechanism.Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 257, 112851. (IF: 5.195)
44)Yang Ni, Jinwei Li,Liuping Fan* (2020). Production of nanocellulose with different length from ginkgo seed shells and applications for oil in water Pickering emulsions. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 149, 617-626. (IF: 8.025)
45)Yang Ni,Liuping Fan*, Yong Sun. (2020). Interfacial properties of cellulose nanoparticles with different lengths from ginkgo seed shells. Food Hydrocolloids, 109, 106121. (IF: 11.504)
46)Yanqing Li,Liuping Fan* (2020). Comparative studies on the stabilization of Flos Sophorae Immaturus beverages by various hydrocolloids. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 123, 109117. (IF: 6.056)
47)Hui Duan, Leilei Yu*, Fengwei Tian, Qixiao Zhai,Liuping Fan*, Wei Chen (2020). Gut microbiota: A target for heavy metal toxicity and a probiotic protective strategy. Science of the Total Environment, 742, 140429. (IF: 10.753)
48)Qun Yu, Jinwei Li,Liuping Fan* (2019).Effect of Drying Methods on the Microstructure, Bioactivity Substances, and Antityrosinase Activity of Asparagus Stems. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, 67, 1537−1545. (IF: 5.895)
49)Jian Wang,Liuping Fan* (2019). Effect of ultrasound treatment on microbial inhibition and quality maintenance of green asparagus during cold storage. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 58, 104631. (IF: 9.336)
50)Qun Yu,Liuping Fan* (2019). Five individual polyphenols as tyrosinase inhibitors: Inhibitory activity, synergistic effect, action mechanism, and molecular docking. Food Chemistry, 297, 124910. (IF: 9.231)
51)Zhengwei Zhang, Jieying Li,Liuping Fan* (2019). Evaluation of the composition of Chinese bayberry wine and its effects on the color changes during storage. Food Chemistry, 276, 451-457. (IF: 9.231)
52)Thi Van Thanh Do,Liuping Fan*, Suhartini Wildan, Girmatsion Mogos (2019). Gac (Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng) fruit: A functional food and medicinal resource. Journal of Functional Foods, 62, 103512. (IF: 5.223)
53)Yang Ni, Zhong Zhang,Liuping Fan*, Juan Li (2019). Evaluation of physical stability of high pressure homogenization treatment cloudy ginkgo beverages. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 111, 31-38. (IF: 6.056)
54)Chengxin Wang, Zhenhua Duan*,Liuping Fan*, Jinwei Li (2019). Supercritical CO2fluid extraction of elaeagnusmollis diels seed oil and its antioxidant ability. Molecules, 24, 911. (IF: 4.927)
“碳纤维面状红外辐射技术及高品质方便食品开发与应用”, 获2018年商业联合会二等奖(排名第1)。
1)Liuping Fan, Jin Du, Jieying Li. Novel Pichia kluyveri strain and its application in producing nonalcoholic red bayberry juice,专利号:UP10405565
2)范柳萍,于群,李进伟.一种增强酪氨酸酶抑制活性的方法,专利号:ZL 201910529625.X
3)范柳萍,陈为凤,李进伟.一种大麦苗饮料及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 2018113904233
4)范柳萍等.一种利用维生素E微胶囊提高煎炸油体系稳定性的方法,专利号:ZL 2020107154203
6)范柳萍,厉妍青,李进伟.一种槐米浊汁饮料及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 2018113904159
7)范柳萍,于群,李进伟.一种水热处理提高芦笋多酚对酪氨酸酶抑制作用的方法,专利号:ZL 2020108834577
8)范柳萍,王建,李进伟.一种延长芦笋贮藏期的保鲜方法,专利号:ZL 2019114218226
9)范柳萍,俞琳,李进伟.一种降低油炸马铃薯脆片含油率的方法,专利号:ZL 2015108338735
11)范柳萍,倪洋,李进伟.一种利用白果壳纤维素稳定的Pichering乳液及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 2019110509383
13)范柳萍,李进伟,陈志雄.一种玛咖复合片及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 2015110200210
16)范柳萍,李洁莹,石志民,李静.一种热加工白蘑菇护色剂及其应用,专利号:ZL 2015107577813
17)范柳萍,杜晶,李洁莹.一种克鲁弗毕赤酵母及其制备无醇杨梅发酵果汁的方法,专利号:ZL 2016101375653
18)范柳萍,杜晶,李洁莹.一株酿酒酵母菌株及其制备杨梅果酒的方法,专利号:ZL 2015107940116