洪雁,麻将胡了试玩 教授,博士生导师,现任中国淀粉工业协会理事及所属变性淀粉分会秘书长、绿色制造分会副会长,全国食用淀粉及淀粉衍生物标准技术委员会委员兼秘书,中国粮油学会玉米深加工分会理事,入选江苏省“333高层次人才”第二层次,江苏省“六大人才高峰计划”。长期从事碳水化合物领域的科研和人才培养工作,其研究主要聚焦在淀粉结构剖析、结构与物理性能之间相关性以及淀粉深加工关键技术、淀粉营养与健康、淀粉质食品的开发等方面。利用化学改性、物理改性和生物改性等技术解决食品、造纸、医药、精细化工、建材等工业中所需变性淀粉的性质,实现了新型淀粉产品的分子改造及其产业化应用,并与中粮生化有限公司、佛山市南海华昊华丰有限公司等多家企业展开校企合作。近5年来,主持和参与承担国家自然科学基金、国家重大研发项目、江苏省产学研等省部级项目10余项;以第一作者和通讯作者发表SCI收录论文70余篇;制(修)订国家标准9项;授权国家发明专利20件(其中美国专利1件);获得国家技术发明二等奖、教育部技术发明一等奖和二等奖各一次。
5.谷物基配方营养米粉关键生产技术研究及产业化示范:江西省对外科技合作项目,20152ACH80008, 2015/01-2016/12
[1]Shuai Zhou, Yan Hong*, Zhengbiao Gu,et al.Effect of heat-moisture treatment on the in vitro digestibility and physicochemical properties of starch-hydrocolloid complexes.Food Hydrocolloids, 2020,104:105736(IF=5.839)
[2]Danping Xu,Yan Hong*, Zhengbiao Gu,et al.Effect of increased pressure on the coated layer profile of steamed rice. Food Chemistry, 2020,320:125971(IF=5.5.399)
[3] Jie Yang, Yan Hong,* Zhengbiao Gu,et al. Conjugated linoleic acid loaded starch-based emulsion nanoparticles: In vivo gastrointestinal controlled release. Food Hydrocolloids,2020, 101:105477(IF=5.839)
[4]Guodong Liu., Zhengbiao, Gu Yan Hong*,et al.Effects of molecular interactions in debranched high amylose starch on digestibility and hydrogel properties. Food Hydrocolloids, 2020,101:105498(IF=5.839)
[5] Yu Bi, Yayuan Zhang, Yan Hong*,et al. Effect of ripening on in vitro digestibility and structural characteristics of plantain (Musa ABB) starch. Food Hydrocolloids, 2019, 93: 235- 241 (IF=5.839)
[6] Na Ji, Yan Hong*, Zhengbiao Gu, et al.Chitosan coating of zein-carboxymethylated short-chain amylose nanocomposites improves oral bioavailability of insulin in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Controlled Release, 2019,313: 1-13. (IF=7.901)
[7]Min Jiang, Yan Hong*, Zhengbiao Gu, et al.Preparation of a starch-based carrier for oral delivery of Vitamin E to the small intestine. Food Hydrocolloids,2019,91:26-33. (IF= 5.839)
[8]Jie Yang, Zhengbiao Gu, Yan Hong,* et al.Buckwheat digestibility affected by the chemical and structural features of its main components. Food Hydrocolloids,2019,96:596-603. (IF= 5.839)
[9]Yan Hong, Jie Yang, Wei Liu,et al.Sustained release of tea polyphenols from a debranched corn starch–xanthan gum complex carrier.LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2019, 103: 325-332. (IF=3.714)
[10]Shenglin Sun, Yan Hong*, Zhengbiao Gu*, et al.Effects of acid hydrolysis on the structure, physicochemical properties and digestibility of starch-myristic acid complexes. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2019,113:108274(IF=3.714)
[11] Na Ji, Yan Hong,* Zhengbiao Gu,* Li Cheng, Zhaofeng Li, Caiming Li. Preparation and Characterization of Insulin-Loaded Zein/Carboxymethylated Short-Chain Amylose Complex Nanoparticles. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018,66,9335-9343.(IF= 3.412)
[12] Na Ji, Yan Hong*, Zhengbiao Gu*, et al. Fabrication and characterization of complex nanoparticles based on carboxymethyl short chain amylose and chitosan by ionic gelation.Food & Function,2018, 9, 2902.(IF=3.289)
[13]Guodong Liu., Zhengbiao, Gu Yan Hong*,et al.Molecular interactions in debranched waxy starch and their effects on digestibility and hydrogel properties.Food Hydrocolloids, 2018, 84: 166-172. (IF= 5.839)
[14]Lingjin Li, Yan Hong*, Zhengbiao Gu,et al.Effect of a dual modification by hydroxypropylation and acid hydrolysis on the structure and rheological properties of potato starch. Food Hydrocolloids ,2018,77:825-833 (IF= 5.839)
[15]Lingjin Li, Yan Hong *, Zhengbiao Gu, et al .Synergistic effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate and salts on the gelation properties of acid-hydrolyzed-hydroxypropylated potato starch. LWT - Food Science and Technology,2018,93:556-562 (IF=3.129)
[16] Liu, Guodong; Gu, Zhengbiao; Hong, Yan*; Cheng, Li; Li, Caiming. Structure, functionality and applications of debranched starch: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2017, 63: 70-79. (IF=6.609)
[17]Liu, Guodong; Gu, Zhengbiao; Hong, Yan*; Cheng, Li; Li, Caiming. Electrospun starch nanofibers: Recent advances, challenges, and strategies for potential pharmaceutical applications. Journal of Controlled Release, 2017, 252: 95-107.(IF=7.901)
[18] Na Ji , Zhengbiao Gu*, Yan Hong*,et al. Binary and Tertiary Complex Based on Short-Chain Glucan and Proanthocyanidins for Oral Insulin Delivery. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65(40): 8866~8874.(IF=3.412)
[19]Liu, Wei; Hong, Yan*; Gu, Zhengbiao; et al.In structure and in-vitro digestibility of waxy corn starch debranched by pullulanase.Food Hydrocolloids,2017, 67: 104-110 (IF= 5.839)
[20]Yu Bi , Yayuan Zhang , Yan Hong *, et al.Molecular structure and digestibility of banana flour and starch.Food Hydrocolloids,2017, 72: 219-227 (IF= 5.839)
[21]He, Huizi; Hong, Yan*; Gu, Zhengbiao; Liu, Guodong; Cheng, Li; Li, Zhaofeng.Improved stability and controlled release of CLA with spray-dried microcapsules of OSA-modified starch and xanthan gum. Carbohydrate Polymers,2016, 147: 243-250(IF=6.044)
[22]Hong, Yan; Liu, Guodong; Gu, Zhengbiao*. Recent advances of starch-based excipients used in extended-release tablets: a review. Drug Delivery, 2016, 23: 12-20(IF=6.402)
[23]Huanhuan Jiang, Yayuan Zhang,Yan Hong *, et al.. Digestibility and changes to structural characteristics of green banana starch during in vitro digestion. Food Hydrocolloids, 2015, 49: 192-199. (IF= 5.839) [24]Guodong Liu, Yan Hong,* Zhengbiao Gu,* Zhaofeng Li, Li Cheng, Caiming Li.Preparation and characterization of pullulanase debranched starches and their properties for drug controlled -release. RSC Advances, 2015,5:97066-97075(IF=3.049)
[25]Guodong Liu, Yan Hong,* Zhengbiao Gu,* Zhaofeng Li, Li Cheng. Pullulanase hydrolysis behaviors and hydrogel properties of debranched starches from different sources.. Food Hydrocolloids, 2015,45: 351-360 (IF= 5.839)
[26] Hong, Yan; Wu, Yinqin; Liu, Guodong; Gu, Zhengbiao. Effect of amylose on pasting and rheological properties of corn starch/xanthan blends. Starch/Stärke, 2015,67: 98-106. (IF 1.523)
[27]He, Huizi; Zhang, Yayuan; Hong, Yan*; Gu, Zhengbiao. Effects of hydrocolloids on corn starch retrogradation. Starch/Stärke, 2015, 67: 348-354. (IF 1.935)
[28]Wang, Guanqing; Hong, Yan*; Gu, Zhengbiao. Effect of NaCl addition on the freeze-thaw stability of tapioca starch gels. Starch/Stärke, 2015, 66, 1–8. (IF 1.935)
[29]Hong, Yan; Liu Guodong;Zhou Shanshan; Gu, Zhengbiao;Chengli;LiZhaofeng,Li Caiming. Influence of guar gum on the in vitro digestibility of tapioca starch. Starch/Stärke, 2015, 67: 1–9. (IF 1.935)
[30]Li, Zhengsong; Hong, Yan*; Gu, Zhengbiao; Tian,Ying; Li, Zhaofeng; Cheng, Li. Emulsification properties of enzymatically treated octenyl-succinic anhydride starch. Starch/Stärke, 2014, 66: 1089–1095. (IF 1.935)
6. 2019年江南大学至善教学奖
7. 2016年度益海嘉里“金龙鱼”青年教师奖和 “荣智权奖教金”。