何志勇,博士,教授,博士生导师。1999.06本科毕业于南昌大学食品系,2003.03、2007.06先后获江南大学食品科学专业硕士、博士学位。2007.07-2009.06麻将胡了试玩 /食品科学与技术国家重点实验室讲师;2009.07晋升副教授、硕士生导师;2012.09-2013.09美国Purdue University食品科学系访问学者;2016.07晋升教授、博士生导师。入选江苏省“六大人才高峰”计划、福建省泉州市“桐江学者”计划。主要从事食品加工与资源综合利用、天然生物活性物质与功能性食品方面的研究。主持承担国家重点研发计划(课题、子课题)、国家自然科学基金、教育部博士点基金、江苏省自然科学基金、江苏省苏北科技专项计划、广东省产学研等国家和省部级项目以及企业合作研究项目。在国内外权威学术期刊发表论文250余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表英文SCI论文90余篇,参编著作1部,获授权国家发明专利20余项。研究成果获教育部科技进步一等奖1项,中国商业联合会科技进步二等奖2项,福建省科技进步三等奖1项。目前为国家市场监督管理总局食品审评中心特殊食品注册审评专家,国家及多个省市自然基金项目以及教育部研究生学位论文评审人,英文期刊Frontiers in Nutrition和Foods编委,Food Chemistry,Food Hydrocolloids,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,食品科学,食品与发酵工业,食品工业科技等国内外期刊审稿人。
1.国家重点研发计划项目课题(No. 2024YFD2100201):植物肉品质形成和调控机制研究,2025-2027,主持
2.国家重点研发计划项目子课题(No. 2022YFF1100204):基于精细结构的功能物质定向生物转化研究,2023-2026,主持
3.国家重点实验室自主研究课题(No. SKLF-ZZB-202102):基于肠-脂肪轴研究荷叶黄酮调控脂肪细胞棕色化及能量代谢的作用机制,2021-2022,主持
4.国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 31771978):食品热加工处理下蛋白质与多酚的相互作用及其对多酚生物利用性的影响,2018-2021,主持
5.江苏省“六大人才高峰”计划(No. NY-095):江苏特色农产品资源中功能性花青素天然色素的稳定化利用研究,2019-2021,主持
6.国家重点实验室自主研究课题(No. SKLF-ZZB-201904):基于食品蛋白与小分子抗氧剂协同效应的花色苷呈色稳定化研究,2019-2020,主持
7.国家重点实验室自主研究课题(No. SKLF-ZZB-201801):食品多酚与大豆蛋白相互作用机制及其对蛋白功能性质的影响,2018-2019,主持
8.江苏省苏北科技计划项目(No. BN2014167):传统风味禽肉制品的现代加工关键技术研究及新产品开发,2015-2017,主持
9.国家科技支撑计划项目(No. 2015BAD16B03):果蔬绿色化学保鲜剂的研发,2016-2018,参与
10.江苏省科技基础设施建设计划(No. BM2014051):果蔬保鲜和深加工及安全检测关键技术开发与应用,2015-2018,参与
11.广东省教育部产学研结合项目(No. 2011B090400605):低碳绿色工艺生产新型功能性糖果的关键技术及其产业化研究,2012-2014,主持
12.苏州市科技计划项目(No. SNG201402):植物源性低升血糖功能食品加工关键技术与产业化,2014-2016,主持
13.教育部博士点基金项目(No. 20100093120005):大豆蛋白在贮藏过程中的氧化机制及控制途径,2011-2013,主持
14.江苏省自然科学基金项目(No. BK2009614):橄榄活性成分的分离鉴定及其抗氧化性、抗菌作用研究,2010-2012,主持
1. Wang ZY, Zeng MM, Wang ZJ, Chen QM, Chen J, Dai XJ,He ZY*. Nuciferine, a bioactive constituent from Folium nelumbinis, increases thermogenic fat activity possibly through the 5-HT2A/AMPK signaling pathway. Food Bioscience, 2025, 63: 105672.
2. Qie XJ, Wu YR, Chen WP, Bu XT, Wang ZJ, Chen QM, Zeng MM, Chen J, Goff HD,He ZY*. Heat-induced and concentration-dependent interactions between β-conglycinin and chlorogenic acid: Implications for protein stability, chlorogenic acid bioaccessibility, and antioxidant capacity. Food Bioscience, 2024, 62: 105512.
3. Ang BJ, Yang T, Wang ZY, Cheng Y, Chen QM, Wang ZJ, Zeng MM, Chen J*,He ZY*. In vitro comparative analysis of the effect and structure-based influencing factors of flavonols on lipid accumulation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2024, 72: 8237–8246.
4. Geng QY, Qin F, Zeng MM, Wang ZJ, Chen QM, Zhang W, Zhu BK,He ZY*, Chen J*. Effects of heat treatment on the profile of volatile flavor components in bamboo shoots. Food Bioscience, 2024, 58: 103817.
5. Xu J, Chen QM, Zeng MM, Qin F, Chen J, Zhang W, Wang ZJ*,He ZY*. Effect of heat treatment on the release of off-flavor compounds in soy protein isolate. Food Chemistry, 2024, 437: 137924.
6. He CH, Ma DD, Zeng MM, Wang ZJ, Chen QM, Chen J,He ZY*. Effect of molecular weight distributions on the gelation rate and other physicochemical properties of bovine bone gelatin (Type B). Food Bioscience, 2024, 57: 103461.
7. Cheng Y, Ang BJ, Xue CY, Wang ZY, Yin LD, Wang T, Chen QM, Wang ZJ, Zeng MM, Zhang W, Chen J*,He ZY*. Insights into the fermentation potential of pollen: Manufacturing, composition, health benefits, and applications in food production. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2024, 143: 104245.
8. Cheng Y, Chen X, Wang ZY, Chen QM, Zeng MM, Qin F, Chen J,He ZY*. Enhancing the storage stability of mulberry anthocyanin extract through ternary complex with whey protein isolate and ferulic acid at neutral pH: Investigation of binding mechanisms. Food Hydrocolloids, 2024, 149: 109560.
9. Cheng Y, Wang ZY, Quan W, Xue CY, Qu T, Wang T, Chen QM, Wang ZJ, Zeng MM, Qin F, Chen J*,He ZY*. Pine pollen: A review of its chemical composition, health effects, processing, and food applications. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2023, 138: 599–614.
10. Wang ZY, Li Y, Ma DD, Zeng MM, Wang ZJ, Qin F, Chen J, Christian M*,He ZY*. Alkaloids from Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera): Recent advances in biosynthesis, pharmacokinetics, bioactivity, safety, and industrial applications. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2023, 63(21): 4867–4900.
11. Wang ZY, Zeng MM, Wang ZJ, Qin F, Wang YZ, Chen J, Christian M*,He ZY*. Food phenolics stimulate adipocyte browning via regulating gut microecology. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2023, 63(19): 4026–4052.
12. Chen Y, Qie XJ, Quan W, Zeng MM, Qin F, Chen J, Adhikari B*,He ZY*. Omnifarious fruit polyphenols: An omnipotent strategy to prevent and intervene diabetes and related complication? Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2023, 63(20): 4288–4324.
13. Wang ZY, Yang T, Zeng MM, Wang ZJ, Chen QM, Chen J, Christian M*,He ZY*. Miquelianin in Folium Nelumbinis extract promotes white-to-beige fat conversion via blocking AMPK/DRP1/mitophagy and modulating gut microbiota in HFD-fed mice. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2023, 181: 114089.
14. Cheng Y, Chen X, Yang T, Wang ZJ, Chen QM, Zeng MM, Qin F, Chen J,He ZY*. Effects of whey protein isolate and ferulic acid/phloridzin/naringin/cysteine on the thermal stability of mulberry anthocyanin extract at neutral pH. Food Chemistry, 2023, 425: 136494.
15. Cheng Y, Chen X, Yang T, Wang ZJ, Chen QM, Zeng MM, Qin F, Chen J,He ZY*. Storage stability and multi-spectroscopy analysis of the ternary complex induced by mulberry anthocyanin extract interacting with whey protein isolate and rutin under acidic conditions. Food Hydrocolloids, 2023, 143: 108911.
16. Wang ZY, Xue CY, Wang X, Zeng MM, Wang ZJ, Chen QM, Qin F, Chen J, Christian M*,He ZY*. Quercetin 3-O-glucuronide-rich lotus leaf extract promotes a brown-fat-phenotype in C3H10T1/2 mesenchymal stem cells. Food Research International, 2023, 163: 112198.
17. Qie XJ, Chen WP, Wu YR, Yang T, Wang ZJ, Zeng MM, Chen J, Goff HD,He ZY*. Entrapment of cyanidin-3-O-glucoside in β-conglycinin: From interaction to bioaccessibility and antioxidant activity under thermal treatment. Food Chemistry, 2023, 398: 133832.
18. He WJ#, Jiang YT#, Chen K, Chen J, Zeng MM, Qin F, Wang ZJ,He ZY*. Comparison of different ultrafiltration-recovered soy protein hydrolysate fractions and their effects on the stability of mulberry anthocyanin extract. Food Bioscience, 2023, 53: 102624.
19. Qie XJ, Yin ZC, He Z, Xue CY, Wang ZJ, Chen QM, Zeng MM, Chen J,He ZY*. Interaction between β-casein and phlorizin induced by thermal treatment and its effect on the antioxidant activity and bioavailability of phlorizin in vivo. Food Bioscience, 2023, 52: 102479.
20. Quan W, Jiao Y, Xue CY, Li Y, Wang ZJ, Zeng MM, Qin F,He ZY*, Chen J*. Processed potaoes intake and risk of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of nine prospective cohort studies. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2022, 62(5): 1417–1425.
21. He WJ#, Guo FX#, Jiang YT, Liu XW, Chen J, Zeng MM, Wang ZJ, Qin F, Li WW*,He ZY*. Enzymatic hydrolysates of soy protein promote the physicochemical stability of mulberry anthocyanin extracts in food processing. Food Chemistry, 2022, 386: 132811.
22. Qie XJ, Chen WP, Wu RY, Wang ZJ, Zeng MM, Chen J, Goff HD,He ZY*. The effects of β-lactoglobulin on cyanidin-3-O-glucoside antioxidant activity and bioaccessibility after heat treatment. Food Research International, 2022, 157: 111494.
23. Chen X, Guan YM, Zeng MM, Wang ZJ, Qin F, Chen J,He ZY*. Effect of whey protein isolate and phenolic copigments in the thermal stability of mulberry anthocyanin extract at an acidic pH. Food Chemistry, 2022, 377: 132005.
24. Qie XJ, Cheng Y, Chen Y, Zeng MM, Wang ZJ, Qin F, Chen J, Li WW*,He ZY*. In vitro phenolic bioaccessibility of coffee beverages with milk and soy subjected to thermal treatment and protein–phenolic interactions. Food Chemistry, 2022, 375: 131644.
25. Yin ZC#, Qie XJ#, Zeng MM, Wang ZJ, Qin F, Chen J, Li WW*,He ZY*. Effect of thermal treatment on the molecular-level interactions and antioxidant activities in β-casein and chlorogenic acid complexes. Food Hydrocolloids, 2022, 123: 107177.
26. Qie XJ, Chen WP, Zeng MM, Wang ZJ, Chen J, Goff HD,He ZY*. Interaction between β-lactoglobulin and chlorogenic acid and its effect on antioxidant activity and thermal stability. Food Hydrocolloids, 2021, 121: 107059.
27. Wang ZY, Cheng Y, Zeng MM, Wang ZJ, Qin F, Wang YZ, Chen J*,He ZY*. Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) leaf: A narrative review of its phytoconstituents, health benefits and food industry applications. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2021, 112: 631–650.
28. Wang ZY, Zeng MM, Wang ZJ, Qin F, Chen J*,He ZY*. Dietary polyphenols to combat nonalcoholic fatty liver disease via the gut–brain–liver axis: A review of possible mechanisms. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69(12): 3585–3600.
29. Wang ZY, Zeng MM, Wang ZJ, Qin F, Chen J,He ZY*. Dietary luteolin: A narrative review focusing on its pharmacokinetic properties and effects on glycolipid metabolism. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69(5): 1441–1454.
30. Quan W, Zeng MM, Jiao Y, Li Y, Xue CY, Liu GP, Wang ZJ, Qin F,He ZY*, Chen J*. Western dietary patterns, foods, and risk of gestational diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. Advances in Nutrition, 2021, 12: 1353–1364.
31. He WJ#, Yin ZC#, Liu SX, Chen Y, Qie XJ, Chen J, Zeng MM, Qin F,He ZY*. Effect of preheated milk proteins and bioactive compounds on the stability of cyanidin-3-O-glucoside. Food Chemistry, 2021, 345: 128829.
32. Yin ZC, Wu YR, Chen Y, Qie XJ, Zeng MM, Wang ZJ, Qin F, Chen J,He ZY*. Analysis of the interaction between cyanidin-3-O-glucoside and casein hydrolysates and its effect on the antioxidant ability of the complexes. Food Chemistry, 2021, 340: 127915.
33. Quan W, Zhang C, Wang ZJ, Zeng MM, Qin F,He ZY*, Chen J*. Assessment antioxidant properties of Torreya grandis protein enzymatic hydrolysates: Utilization of industrial by-products. Food Bioscience, 2021, 43: 101325.
34. Qie XJ, Wu YR, Chen Y, Liu C, Zeng MM, Qin F, Wang ZJ, Chen J,He ZY*. Competitive interactions among tea catechins, proteins, and digestive enzymes modulate in vitro protein digestibility, catechin bioaccessibility, and antioxidant activity of milk tea beverage model systems. Food Research International, 2021, 140: 110050.
35. Jiang YT#, Yin ZC#, Wu YR, Qie XJ, Chen Y, Zeng MM, Wang ZJ, Chen J,He ZY*. Inhibitory effects of soy protein and its hydrolysate on the degradation of anthocyanins in mulberry extract. Food Bioscience, 2021, 40: 100911.
36. Cheng Y, Quan W, Qu T, He YJ, Wang ZJ, Zeng MM, Qin F, Chen J*,He ZY*. Effects of 60Co-irradiation and superfine grinding wall disruption pretreatment on phenolic compounds in pine (Pinus yunnanensis) pollen and its antioxidant and α-glucosidase-inhibiting activities. Food Chemistry, 2021, 345: 128808.
1.何志勇,张国伟,陈洁,曾茂茂,王召君,秦昉.一种功能性阿胶蜜茶饮料的制备方法及其产品.授权专利号:ZL 202110323975.8
2.何志勇,许亮,陈洁,曾茂茂,秦昉,陶冠军,张爽,王林祥.一种功能性荸荠皮复合果汁饮料的制备方法及其产品.授权专利号:ZL 201810161194.1
3.何志勇,陶静,陈洁,郑奕光,王仕丹,曾茂茂,秦昉.一种速溶糖果的制备方法及其产品.授权专利号:ZL 201810161226.8
5.何志勇,陈洁,曾茂茂,秦昉,张爽,陶冠军,王林祥,朱海东.一种从香榧假种皮中连续提取香榧黄酮和精油的方法.授权专利号:ZL 201610464893.4
6.何志勇,陈洁,许铭珠,曾茂茂,秦昉,陶冠军,王林祥,张爽.一种提高葡萄皮红色素稳定性的方法.授权专利号:ZL 201510683493.8
7.何志勇,孟春雨,陈洁,曾茂茂,秦昉,王林祥,陶冠军,张爽.一种软罐装即食营养枣糊的加工制作方法及枣糊.授权专利号:ZL 201510683494.2
8.陈洁,何志勇,于金召,秦昉,王林祥,曾茂茂.一种利用亚临界水萃取技术从枇杷叶中提取制备熊果酸的方法.授权专利号:ZL 201210057030.7