蒋将,麻将胡了试玩 教授、博士生导师。 2011年加入麻将胡了试玩 ,研究方向为蛋白乳液研究,主要从事乳液界面学、蛋白物性学、肉制品加工研究。先后主持国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金项目、美国Alltech委托研究项目等。研究成果获中国商业联合会科技进步奖和美国化学会论文奖等奖励。目前担任美国IFT旗下Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety编委、 Journal of Food Science编委、Engineering Sciences and Technologies编委,以及多本食品领域TOP期刊的审稿人。承担本科专业核心课程生物化学、生物化学实验课的教学工作。
2005.09-2011.06.麻将胡了试玩 ,硕博连读
2001.09-2005.07.麻将胡了试玩 ,本科
2019.06-今,江南大学,麻将胡了试玩 ,教授
2011.06-2019.05,江南大学,麻将胡了试玩 ,副教授
1、主持国家“863”计划子课题 “高含油油料水酶法同时提制油脂、蛋白及肽关键技术研究”。
4、主持“十四五” 国家重点科技研发项目子课题,“多酚类化合物高效利用和活性保留关键技术”。
1.Jiang, J., Chen, J., and Xiong, Y.L. 2009. Structural and emulsifying properties of soy protein isolate subjected to acid and alkaline pH-shifting processes.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry57:7576–7583. IF: 5.279引用次数:274
2.Jiang, J., Xiong, Y.L., and Chen, J. 2010. pH-shifting alters solubility characteristics and thermal stability of soy protein isolate and its globulin fractions in different pH, salt concentration, and temperature conditions.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry58:8035–44. IF: 5.279 引用次数:137
3.Jiang, J., Chen, J., and Xiong, Y.L. 2011. Role of β-conglycinin and glycinin subunits in the pH-shifting-induced structural and physicochemical changes of soy protein isolate.Journal of Food Science76:C293–302. IF: 3.167 引用次数:61
4.Jiang, J., Xiong, Y.L., Newman, M.C., and Rentfrow, G.K. 2012. Structure-modifying alkaline and acidic pH-shifting processes promote film formation of soy proteins.Food Chemistry132:1944–1950. IF: 7.514 引用次数:43
5.Jiang, J., and Xiong, Y.L. 2013. Extreme pH treatments enhance the structure-reinforcement role of soy protein isolate and its emulsions in pork myofibrillar protein gels in the presence of microbial transglutaminase.Meat Science93:469–476. IF: 5.209 引用次数:101
6.Jiang, J., Zhang, X., True, A.D., Zhou, L., and Xiong, Y.L. 2013. Inhibition of lipid oxidation and rancidity in precooked pork patties by radical-scavenging licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) extract.Journal of Food Science78:C1686–C1694. IF: 3.167引用次数:42
7.Jiang, J., Zhu, B., Liu, Y., and Xiong, Y.L. 2014. Interfacial structural role of pH-shifting processed pea protein in the oxidative stability of O/W emulsions.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry62:1683–1691. IF: 5.279.引用次数:95.
8.Jiang, J., and Xiong, Y.L. 2015. Technologies and mechanisms for safety control of ready-to-eat muscle foods: an updated review.Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition55:1886-1901. IF: 11.176.引用次数:16.
9.Jiang, J., and Xiong, Y.L. 2015. Role of interfacial protein membrane in oxidative stability of vegetable oil substitution emulsions applicable to nutritionally modified sausage.Meat science109:56-65. IF: 5.209.引用次数:35.
10.Jiang, J., and Xiong, Y.L. 2016. Natural antioxidants as food and feed additives to promote health benefits and quality of meat products: A review.Meat Science120:107–117. IF: 5.209.引用次数:263.高被引论文
11.Jiang, J., Tang, X., Xue, Y., Lin, G. and Xiong, Y.L. 2017. Dietary linseed oil supplemented with organic selenium improved the fatty acid nutritional profile, muscular selenium deposition, water retention, and tenderness of fresh pork.Meat Science131:99-106. IF: 5.209.引用次数:45.
12.Jiang, J., Jin, Y., Liang, X., Piatko, M., Campbell, S., Lo, S.K. and Liu, Y., 2018. Synergetic interfacial adsorption of protein and low-molecular-weight emulsifiers in aerated emulsions.Food Hydrocolloids81: 15-22. IF: 9.147.引用次数:59
13.Jiang, J., Zhang, Z., Zhao, J. and Liu, Y., 2018. The effect of non-covalent interaction of chlorogenic acid with whey protein and casein on physicochemical and radical-scavenging activity of in vitro protein digests.Food Chemistry268: 334-341. IF: 7.514.引用次数:129.高被引论文
14.Jiang, J., Wang, Q. and Xiong, Y.L., 2018. A pH shift approach to the improvement of interfacial properties of plant seed proteins.Current Opinion in Food Science. IF: 6.031.引用次数:61.
15.Jiang, J., Jing, W., Xiong, Y.L. and Liu, Y.F., 2019. Interfacial competitive adsorption of different amphipathicity emulsifiers and milk protein affect fat crystallization, physical properties, and morphology of frozen aerated emulsion.Food Hydrocolloids, 87, pp.670-678. IF: 9.147.引用次数:23.
16.Jiang, J., Song, Z., Wang, Q., Xu, X., Liu, Y., and Xiong, Y. L., (2019). Ultrasound-mediated interfacial protein adsorption and fat crystallization in cholesterol-reduced lard emulsion.Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 104641. IF: 7.491.引用次数:19.
17.Liu, B., Xiong, Y.L., Jiang, J., Yu, D., and Lin, G., (2021). Cellular antioxidant mechanism of selenium-enriched yeast diets in the protection of meat quality of heat-stressed hens.Food Bioscience, 39, 100798. IF: 4.240引用次数:5.
18.Jiang, J., Jin, F., Lin, G., and Xiong, Y.L., (2021). Modulation of muscle antioxidant enzymes and fresh meat quality through feeding peptide-chelated trace minerals in swine production.Food Bioscience, 42, 101191. IF: 4.240 引用次数:0.
19.Jiang, J., Nie, Y., Sun, X., and Xiong, Y.L., (2021). Partial removal of phenolics coupled with alkaline pH shift improves canola protein interfacial properties and emulsion in in vitro digestibility.Foods, 10, 1283. IF: 4.350.引用次数:0.
20.Yang, K., Lin, R., Zhang, S., Zhao, X., Jiang, J., and Liu, Y., (2022). Ultrasound-modified interfacial properties and crystallization behavior of aerated emulsions fabricated with pH-shifting treated pea protein.Food Chemistry, 367, 130536. IF: 7.514.引用次数:0.
21.Wang, Y., Lin, R., Song, Z., Zhang, S., Zhao, X., Jiang, J., and Liu, Y., (2022). Freeze-thaw stability and oil crystallization behavior of phospholipids/whey protein-costabilized acidic emulsions with four oil types.Food Hydrocolloids, 125, 107385. IF: 9.147.引用次数:0
22.Ma, T., Xiong, Y.L. and Jiang, J., (2022). Calcium-aided fabrication of pea protein hydrogels with filler emulsion particles coated by pH12-shifting and ultrasound treated protein.Food Hydrocolloids, 125, 107396. IF: 9.147引用次数:0
23.Wang, Y., Zhao, J., Zhang, S., Zhao, X., Liu, Y., Jiang, J., and Xiong, Y.L., (2022). Structural and rheological properties of mung bean protein emulsion as a liquid egg substitute: The effect of pH shifting and calcium.Food Hydrocolloids, 126, 107485. IF: 9.147引用次数:0
24.Nie, Y., Liu, Y., Jiang, J., Xiong, Y.L., and Zhao, X., (2022). Rheological, structural, and water-immobilizing properties of mung bean protein-based fermentation-induced gels: effect of pH-shifting and oil imbedment.Food Hydrocolloids, 129, 107607. IF: 9.147引用次数:0