2008.09-2014.12 麻将胡了试玩 食品科学专业,工学博士
2001.09-2004.04 麻将胡了试玩 食品科学专业,工学硕士
1995.09-1999.06 无锡轻工大学麻将胡了试玩 食品科学与工程专业,工学学士
2023.08-至今 麻将胡了试玩 ,教授
2019.12-2020.12 香港中文大学生命科学学院访问学者
2015.05-2018.05 江南大学、江苏九寿堂生物制品有限公司,轻工技术与工程专业,博士后
2013.10-2023.08 麻将胡了试玩 ,副教授
2004.06-2013.10 麻将胡了试玩 ,助教、讲师
1999.07-2001.08 烟台山村果园绿色食品集团有限公司,助理工程师
[2]国家重点研发计划“蓝色粮仓科技创新” 重点专项“黄渤海滩涂生态农牧化与三产融合模式示范”课题“滩涂生态农牧场特色生物资源产品和生物制品精深加工及示范”(2020YFD0900704),子课题负责人,2020-2022。
[1] Pei Gao, Zhiqing Zhang, Qixing Jiang*, Xiaohui Hu*, Xiaojing Zhang, Peipei Yu, Fang Yang, Shaoquan Liu, Wenshui Xia. Metabolomics ravels flavor compound formation and metabolite transformation in rapid fermentation of salt-free fish sauce from catfish frames induced by mixed microbial cultures[J]. Food chemistry, 2024, 463, 141246.
[2]Qixing Jiang, Haifeng Zhang, Pei Gao, Fang Yang, Dongxing Yu*, Wenshui Xia, Dawei Yu.Effects of different thermal methods and degrees on the flavor of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) fillets: Fatty acids, volatile flavor and taste compounds[J]. Food chemistry, 2024, 461, 140887.
[3] Wenmin Wu, Pei Gao, Qixing Jiang*, Fang Yang, Dawei Yu, Peipei Yu, Wenshui Xia, Dongxing Yu. Integrated GC-MS and proteomics reveal the changes and correlations between flavor compounds and the proteome in surimi gels treated with high-temperature sterilization[J]. Food Bioscience, 2024, 150030.
[4]Jiawen Chen, Yadong Hu, Pei Gao, Qixing Jiang*, Peipei Yu, Fang Yang, Mingxuan Pan, Xinghu Zhou, Wenshui Xia. Effect of κ-carrageenan on the physicochemical and structural characteristics of ready-to-eat Antarctic Krill surimi gel[J]. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2024, 59(6): 3711-3722.
[5]Qixing Jiang*,Han Chen, Pei Gao, Peipei Yu, Fang Yang, Lishi Wang, Wenshui Xia. Seasonal variations in the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus): Nutritional composition, texture, and physicochemical properties of myofibrillar protein[J]. Food Bioscience, 2024, 59: 104034.
[6]Qixing Jiang*, Lishi Wang, Pei Gao, Peipei Yu, Fang Yang, Dawei Yu, Han Chen, Wenshui Xia. Study on the effect and mechanism of chicken breast on the gel properties of silver carp (Hypophthalmichtys molitrix) surimi[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2024, 104(2):1132-1142.
[7]Qixing Jiang*, Nuo Chen, Pei Gao, Dawei Yu, Fang Yang, Yanshun Xu, Wenshui Xia. Influence of L-arginine addition on the gel properties of reduced-salt white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) surimi gel treated with microbial transglutaminase[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 173 (2023) 114310
[8]Qixing Jiang*, Huimin Shen, Pei Gao, Peipei Yu, Fang Yang, Yanshun Xu, Dawei Yu, Wenshui Xia, Lishi Wang. Non-enzymatic browning path analysis of ready-to-eat crayfish (Promcambarus clarkii) tails during thermal treatment and storage[J]. Food Bioscience, 51 (2023) 102334
[9]Wei Zhang, Pei Gao, Qixing Jiang*,Wenshui Xia,Green fabrication of lignin nanoparticles/chitosan films for refrigerated fish preservation application[J]. Food Hydrocolloids, 2023 (139):108548
[10]Nuo Chen, Qixing Jiang*, Pei Gao, Dawei Yu, Fang Yang, Yanshun Xu&Wenshui Xia. Gel properties, physicochemical properties, and sensory attributesof white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) surimi gel treatedwith sodium chloride (NaCl) substitutes[J]. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2023, 58, 22–36
[11] Wenmin Wu, Qixing Jiang*, Pei Gao, Dawei Yu, Fang Yang, Yanshun Xu &Wenshui Xia*. L-histidine-assisted ultrasound improved microstructure and gelation properties of reduced-salt surimi (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) gel[J]. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2023, 58, 610–622
[12] Wenmin Wu, Qixing Jiang*, Pei Gao, Dawei Yu, Peipei Yu, Wenshui Xia.L-histidine-assisted ultrasound improved physicochemical properties of myofibrillar proteins under reduced-salt condition- Investigation of underlying mechanisms[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 253, 126820.
[13]Jiang Qixing; Yang Fang; Jia Shengnan; Yu Dawei; Gao Pei; Xu Yanshun; Xia Wenshui. The role of endogenous proteases in degrading grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) myofibrillar structural proteins during ice storage[J]. LWT, 2022, 154
[14]Chen Nuo; Gao Pei; Jiang Qixing*; Yu Xiaojuan; Li Pengyi; Xu Yanshun; Yu Dawei; Yang Fang; Xia Wenshui. Effects of deheading and rinsing pretreatment on the quality of white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) surimi based on endogenous proteases[J]. Food Research International, 2022, 160 : 111678-111678.
[15]Jiang Qixing; Zhang Zhiyun; Yang Fang; Gao Pei; Yu Dawei; Xu Yanshun; Xia Wenshui. Impact of protein oxidation induced by different cooking methods in channel fish (Ietalurus punetaus) on structure and in vitro digestion of protein[J]. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2022, 57(9) : 6016-6027.
[16]Qixing Jiang; Wenmin Wu; Jingwen Han; Hau Yin Chung; Pei Gao; Dawei Yu; Peipei Yu; Yanshun Xu; Wenshui Xia. Characteristics of silver carp surimi gel under high temperature(≥100°C): quality changes, water distribution and protein pattern[J]. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2022, 57(7): 4613-4627.
[17]Jiang Qixing; Fu Yuhan;Gao Pei;Yu Dawei;Xia Wenshui. Microbiological, physicochemical and structural characteristics of natural salted casings treated with antibacterial agents[J]. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2022, 57(7) : 4483-4494.
[18]Zhang Wei; Jiang Qixing*, Shen Jiandong;Gao Pei;Yu Dawei;Xu Yanshun;Xia Wenshui. The role of organic acid structures in changes of physicochemical and antioxidant properties of crosslinked chitosan films[J]. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 2022, 31
[19]Zhang Wei; Shen Jiandong; Gao Pei; Jiang Qixing*; Xia Wenshui. Sustainable chitosan films containing a betaine-based deep eutectic solvent and lignin: Physicochemical, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties[J]. Food Hydrocolloids, 2022, 129
[20]Zhang Wei; Shen Jiandong; Gao Pei; Jiang Qixing*;Xia Wenshui. An eco-friendly strategy for preparing lignin nanoparticles by self-assembly: Characterization, stability, bioactivity, and Pickering emulsion[J]. Industrial Crops & Products, 2022, 188(PA)
[21]Shen Jiandong; Jiang Qixing*;Zhang Wei;Xu Yanshun;Xia Wenshui. Assessment of gelatinolytic proteinases in chilled grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) fillets: characterization and contribution to texture softening[J]. Journal of the science of food and agriculture, 2021, 102(5): 1919-1926.
[22]Qixing Jiang, Pei Gao, Jiatong Liu, Dawei Yu,Yanshun Xu, Fang Yang, Bin Wang, Peipei Yu & Wenshui Xia,Endogenous proteases in giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachiurosenbergii): changes and its impacts on texture deteriorationduring frozen storage. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2021,
[23]Qi‑Xing Jiang*,Kong‑Luan Ning,Da‑Wei Yu,Yan‑Shun Xu,Bin Wang,Fang Yang,Pei Gao,Wen‑Shui Xia.Effects of blanching on extraction and stability of anthocyanins from blueberry peel, JOURNAL OF FOOD MEASUREMENT AND CHARACTERIZATION, 2020, 14: 2854–2861
[24]Qixing Jiang*, Ting Yin, Fang Yang, Dawei Yu, Yanshun Xu, Huaimao Tie, Pei Gao, Bin Wang, Wenshui Xia.Effect of freezing methods on quality changes of grass carpduring frozen storage. JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESS ENGINEERING, 2020; 43:e13539.
[25]Qixing Jiang*,Jingwen Han, Pei Gao, Lixia Yu, Yanshun Xu & Wenshui Xia.Effect of heating temperature and duration on the texture and protein composition of Bighead Carp(Aristichthys nobilis) muscle, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD PROPERTIES, 2018, VOL. 21, NO. 1, 2110–2120.