梁丽,江南大学 麻将胡了试玩 和食品科学与技术国家重点实验室,教授。2001年获得中国海洋大学(原青岛海洋大学)化学专业学士学位。2006年获得复旦大学高分子化学与物理专业博士学位,导师:江明院士和姚萍教授,研究方向为大分子组装。之后,进入加拿大拉瓦尔大学(Laval University)食品科学与营养系从事博士后研究工作,合作导师:Muriel Subirade教授。2011年加入麻将胡了试玩 和食品科学与技术国家重点实验室,研究方向为食品蛋白与营养,主要从事大分子组装、蛋白质结构与功能性、活性成分包埋和保护方面研究。2012年入选无锡市社会事业领军人才。目前承担国家自然科学基金等项目研究,已发表学术论文论著三十篇。
Li Liang*, M. Subirade*; “Beta-lactoglobulin: bioactive nutrient delivery” in Book “Handbook of Encapsulation and Controlled Release” (Taylor and Francis Group). 2015, P729-739.
Amr M. Bakry, Zheng Fang, Yingzhou Ni, Hao Cheng, Yong Q. Chen*, Li Liang*; Stability of tuna oil and tuna oil/peppermint oil blend microencapsulated using whey protein isolate in combination with carboxymethyl cellulose or pullulan. Food Hydrocolloids, 2016, 60, 559-571.
Amr M.Bakry, Shabbar Abbas, Barkat Ali, Hamid Majeed, Mohamed Y. Abouelwafa, AhmedMousa, Li Liang*; Microencapsulation of oils: A comprehensive review ofbenefits, techniques, and applications. ComprehensiveReviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 2016, 15, 143-182.
Lei Wang, Yahui Gao, Juan Li,Muriel Subirade, Yuanda Song*, Li Liang*; Effect of resveratrol orascorbic acid on the stability of alfa-tocopherol in O/W emulsions stabilizedby whey protein isolate: Simultaneous encapsulation of the vitamin and theprotective antioxidant. Food Chemistry,2016, 196, 466-474.
Yingzhou Ni, Lijie Wen, Lei Wang,Yali Dang, Peng Zhou, Li Liang*; Effect of temperature calcium andprotein concentration on aggregation of whey protein isolate: Formation ofgel-like micro-particles. InternationalDairy Journal, 2015, 51, 8-15.
Bang Chen, Hongjia Zhang, WenyingXi, Liqing Zhao*, Li Liang*, Yantao Chen*; Unfolding mechanism oflysozyme in various urea solutions: Insights from fluorescence spectroscopy. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2014, 1076, 524-528.
Jie Zhang, Xiaoming Liu, MurielSubirade, Peng Zhou*, Li Liang*; A study of multi-ligandbeta-lactolgobulin complex formation. FoodChemistry, 2014, 165, 256-261.
JieZhang,Yannan Liu, Xiaoming Liu, Yanfang Li, Xundi Yin, Muriel Subirade, PengZhou*, Li Liang*; The folic acid/b-casein complex: characteristics andphysicochemical implications. FoodResearch International, 2014, 57,162-167.
Li Liang, Jie Zhang, Peng Zhou*, Muriel Subirade*; Protective effect ofligand-binding properties against folic acid loss due to photodecomposition, FoodChemistry, 2013, 141, 754-761.
Li Liang, Muriel Subirade*; Study of the acid and thermal stability of b-lactoglobulin-ligand complexes using fluorescence quenching, FoodChemistry, 2012, 132, 2023-2029.
LiLiang, Vanessa Tremblay-Hébert, Muriel Subirade*; Characterisation of the b-Lactoglobulin/a-tocopherolcomplex and its impact on a-tocopherolstability. Food Chemistry, 2011, 126,821-826.
Li Liang, Muriel Subirade*;b-Lactoglobulin/folicacid complexes: formation, characterization, and biological implication. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2010,114, 6707–6712.
Li Liang,Maud Pinier, Jean-Christophe Leroux, Muriel Subirade*;Interaction of a-gliadinwith polyanions: design considerations for sequestrant used in supportivetreatment of celiac disease. Biopolymers,2010, 93, 418-428.
Li Liang, Valerie Leung Sok Line, Gabriel E.Remondetto, Muriel Subirade*; In vitro release of a-tocopherolfrom emulsion-loaded b-lactoglobulin gels. International Dairy Journal, 2010, 20,176-181.
Li Liang, Maud Pinier, Jean-Christophe Leroux, Muriel Subirade*; Interaction of α-gliadin with poly(HEMA-co-SS): structural characterization andbiological implications. Biopolymers, 2009, 91,169-178.
Li Liang, H. A. Tajmir-Riahi, Muriel Subirade*; Resveratrol-β-lactoglobulininteraction and its biological implication. Biomacromolecules, 2008, 9,50-56.
Li Liang, Ping Yao*, Ming Jiang; Reversibilityof structural transition of cytochrome c on interacting with and releasing fromalternating copolymers of maleic acid and alkene. Biomacromolecules, 2006, 7, 1829-1835.
Li Liang, Ping Yao*, Ming Jiang, Guang Zhao Zhang, YunFeng Yan; Interactions of apo cytochrome cwith alternating copolymers of maleic acid and alkene. Langmuir, 2005, 21,10662-10670.
Li Liang, Ping Yao*, Ming Jiang; The structuraltransformation of apo cytochrome cinduced by the alternating copolymers of maleic acid and alkene. Biomacromolecules, 2005, 6, 2748-2755.
Li Liang, Ping Yao*, Jie Gong, Ming Jiang; The interaction of apo cytochrome c withsulfonated polystyrene nanoparticles.Langmuir, 2004, 20, 3333-3338.
梁丽, 姚萍, 江明; 酸性条件下两种马来酸-烯烃交替共聚物诱导细胞色素c的结构转换. 高分子学报, 2007, 8, 746-751.
Faoumata Diarrassouba, Li Liang, GabrielRemondetto, Muriel Subirade*; Nanocomplex formation between riboflavin and b-lactoglobulin:spectroscopic investigation and biological characterization. Food Research International, 2013, 52, 557-567.
Dasong Liu, Li Liang, Wenshui Xia, Joe M. Regenstein,Peng Zhou*; Biochemical and physical changes of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodonidella) fillets stored at -3 and 0 C. FoodChemistry, 2013, 140, 105-114.
Yingjia Chen, Li Liang, Xiaoming Liu, TheodoreP. Labuza, Peng Zhou*; Effect of fructose and glucose on glycation ofbeta-lactoglobulin in an intermediate-moisture food model system: analysis byliquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and data-independent acquistionLC-MS (LC-MSE). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2012,60, 10674-10682.
Da Song Liu, Li Liang, Joe M. Regenstein, PengZhou*; Extraction and characterisation of pepsin-solubilised collagen fromfins, scales, skins, bones and swim bladders of bighead carp(Hypophthalmichthys nobilis). Food Chemistry, 2012, 133, 1441-1448.
Jing Zhang, Li Liang,Zhigang Tian, Lingyun Chen*, Muriel Subirade*; Preparation and in vitroevaluation of calcium-induced soy protein isolate nanoparticles and theirformation mechanism study, Food Chemistry, 2012, 133, 390-399.
Raquel Zorilla, Li Liang,Gabriel Remondetto, Muriel Subirade*; Interaction of epigallocatechin-3-gallatewith b-lactoglobulin: molecular characterizationand biological implication, Dairy Science & Technology, 2011, 91,629-644.
Jing Zhang, Zhigang Tian,Li Liang, Muriel Subirade, Lingyun Chen*; Binding interactions of b-conglycinin and glycinin with vitamin B12, The Journalof Physical Chemistry B, 2013, 117, 14018-14028.
Fatoumata Diarrassouba, GabrielRemondetto, Li Liang, Ghislain Garrrait, Eric Beyssac, Muriel Subirade*;Effects of gastrointestinal pH conditions on the stability of the b-lactoglobulin/vitamin D3 complex and on the solubility ofvitamin D3, Food Research International, 2013, 52,515-521.
Peide Guo, Wenyan Guan,Li Liang, Ping Yao*; Self-assembly of pH-sensitive random copolymers:poly(styrene-co-4-vinylpyrindine). Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2008, 323, 229-234.