孟宗,博士/博士后,麻将胡了试玩 教授(专业技术三级),博士生导师,加拿大圭尔夫大学访问学者,入选国家高层次人才特殊支持计划青年拔尖人才,江苏特聘教授,全国粮油优秀科技工作者,高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师,江苏省高层次创新创业人才引进计划科技副总,江南大学至善岗位特聘教授和至善青年学者等;任中国粮油学会油脂分会理事会/专家组成员,中国粮油学会青年工作委员会委员,美国油脂化学家学会(AOCS)官方期刊《INFORM》专栏特邀编辑,美国油脂化学家学会中国分会(AOCSChinaSection)咨询委员会成员,《中国油脂》和《食品研究与开发》编委,《食品工业科技》青年编委。
长期从事食用脂肪及脂肪乳液结晶基础、零反式低饱和脂肪酸脂肪制造基础、健康脂肪产品开发及食品应用科研和教学工作,先后主讲《现代油脂加工》《专用油脂》《油料科学原理》《油脂工艺学实验》等油脂专业课程,主持国家自然科学基金项目(面上基金3项,青年科学基金1项),“十三五”国家重点研发子课题,企业合作研究课题等20余项,成果荣获国家科学技术进步二等奖(排2,2020年)、中国轻工业联合会科学技术进步一等奖(排2,2019年)、教育部科学技术进步二等奖(排4,2019;排3,2014年)、中国粮油学会科技进步一等奖(排2,2014年)、中国粮油学会“青年科技奖”(排1,2022年)等国家与省部级奖励8项;发表论文84篇,其中SCI收录56篇;申请国家发明专利37项,国际专利3项,其中已授权国家发明专利20余项;制修订《起酥油》国家标准1件;专著《食品专用油脂》副主编;受邀在美国油脂化学家学会年会(AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo)、欧洲脂质联合会学术年会(Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo)等食用油脂科学领域权威国际会议做口头学术报告13次。(2023年12月更新)
2012.02-2014.10,麻将胡了试玩 ,讲师
2014.11-2019.05,麻将胡了试玩 ,副教授
2019.06至今,麻将胡了试玩 ,教授
1.Zong Meng* et al. A review on food-grade-polymer-based O/W emulsion gels: Stabilization mechanism and 3D printing application.Food Hydrocolloids, 2023, 139: 108588(SCI, IF=11.504)
2.Zong Meng* et al. Development and characterization of antioxidant-fortified oleogels by encapsulating hydrophilic tea polyphenols.Food Chemistry, 2023, 414: 135664(SCI, IF=9.231)
3.Zong Meng* et al. Comparative study of natural wax-based W/O emulsion gels: Microstructure and macroscopic properties.Food Research International, 2023, 165: 112509(SCI, IF=7.425)
4.Zong Meng* et al. Nonlinear viscoelasticity and crystallization behavior of anhydrous milk fat/palm stearin/oleogel blends.Food Chemistry, 2023, 410, 135394(SCI, IF=9.231)
5.Zong Meng* et al. Tracing distribution and interface behavior of water droplets in W/O emulsions with fat crystals.Food Research International, 2023, 163: 112215(SCI, IF=7.425)
6.Zong Meng* et al. Oleofoams and emulsion foams stabilized by sodium stearoyl lactylate: Insight into their relations based on microstructure, rheology and tribology.Food Hydrocolloids, 2023, 137: 108317(SCI, IF=11.504)
7.Zong Meng* et al. Oil body-based one-step multiple phases and hybrid emulsion gels stabilized by sunflower wax and CMC: Application and optimization in 3D printing.Food Hydrocolloids, 2023, 136: 108262(SCI, IF=11.504)
8.Zong Meng* et al. Oleogels/emulsion gels as novel saturated fat replacers in meat products: A review.Food Hydrocolloids, 2023, 137: 108313(SCI, IF=11.504)
9.Zong Meng* et al. Crystallization and phase behavior in mixture systems of anhydrous milk fat, palm stearin, and palm oil: Formation of eutectic crystals.Food Chemistry, 2023, 399: 133877(SCI, IF=9.231)
10.Zong Meng* et al. Novel bigels constructed from oleogels and hydrogels with contrary thermal characteristics: Phase inversion and 3D printing applications.Food Hydrocolloids, 2023, 134: 108063(SCI, IF=11.504)
11.Zong Meng* et al. Spirulina platensis protein nanoparticle-based bigels: Dual stabilization, phase inversion, and 3D printing.Food Hydrocolloids, 2023, 135: 108160(SCI, IF=11.504)
12.Zong Meng* et al. Study on oil body emulsion gels stabilized by composited polysaccharides through microgel particles compaction and natural gelation.Food Hydrocolloids, 2023, 135: 108146(SCI, IF=11.504)
13.Zong Meng* et al. Crystallization behavior and compatibility analysis of beef tallow-based binary/ternary fat mixture systems.Food Research International, 2022, 161: 111814(SCI, IF=7.425)
14.Zong Meng* et al. Crystallization of lipids and lipid emulsions treated by power ultrasound: A review.Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2022: 1-12(SCI, IF=11.208)
15.Zong Meng* et al. Spirulina platensis protein isolate nanoparticle stabilized O/W Pickering emulsions: Interfacial adsorption and bulk aggregation.Food Research International, 2022, 161: 111815(SCI, IF=7.425)
16.Zong Meng* et al. Double scaffold networks regulate edible Pickering emulsion gel for designing thermally actuated 4D printing.Food Hydrocolloids, 2022, 133(7):107969(SCI, IF=11.504)
17.Zong Meng* et al. Enhancement effect of fat crystal network on oleogels prepared by methyl-cellulose and xanthan gum using the cryogel-templated method.Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2022, 46(11)(SCI, IF=2.609)
18.Zong Meng* et al. Double network oleogels co-stabilized by hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and monoglyceride crystals: Baking applications.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 209: 180-187(SCI, IF=8.025)
19.Zong Meng* et al. Catastrophic phase inversion of bigels characterized by fluorescence intensity-based 3D modeling and the formability for decorating and 3D printing.Food Hydrocolloids, 2022, 126: 107461(SCI, IF=9.147)
20.Zong Meng* et al. Synergetic effects of water-soluble polysaccharides for intensifying performances of oleogels fabricated by oil-absorbing cryogels.Food Chemistry, 2022, 372: 131357(SCI, IF=7.514)
21.Zong Meng* et al. Polysaccharide-stabilized aqueous foams to fabricate highly oil-absorbing cryogels: Application and formation process for preparation of edible oleogels.Food Hydrocolloids, 2021, 120: 106901(SCI, IF=9.147)
22.Zong Meng* et al. Interfacial interaction of small molecular emulsifiers tea saponin and monoglyceride: Relationship to the formation and stabilization of emulsion gels.Food Hydrocolloids, 2021, 117: 106737(SCI, IF=9.147)
23.Zong Meng* et al. Microstructure evolution and partial coalescence in the whipping process of oleofoams stabilized by monoglycerides.Food Hydrocolloids, 2021, 112:106245(SCI, IF=9.147)
24.Zong Meng* et al. Soft κ-carrageenan microgels stabilized pickering emulsion gels: Compact interfacial layer construction and particle-dominated emulsion gelation.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, 602:822-833(SCI, IF=8.128)
25.Zong Meng et al. Organogels based on the polyglyceryl fatty acid ester and sunflower oil: Macroscopic property, microstructure, interaction force, and application.LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2019,116: 108590(SCI, IF=4.006)
26.Zong Meng et al. Oleogels from sodium stearoyl lactylate-based lamellar crystals: Structural characterization and bread application.Food Chemistry, 2019, 292: 134-142(SCI, IF=4.946)
27.Zong Meng et al. Macro-micro structure characterization and molecular properties of emulsion templated polysaccharide oleogels.Food Hydrocolloids,2018,77: 17-29(SCI, IF=5.089)
28.Zong Meng et al. Effects of thickening agents on the formation and properties of edible oleogels based on hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose.Food Chemistry,2018, 246:137-149(SCI, IF=4.946)
29.Zong Meng et al. Physical properties, microstructure, intermolecular forces and oxidation stability of soybean oil oleogels structured by different cellulose ethers.European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 2018,120(6):1700287(SCI, IF=2.200)
30.Zong Meng et al. Secondary structure of proteins on oil release in aqueous enzymatic extraction of rapeseed oil as affected hydrolysis state.International Journal of Food Properties, 2018, 21(1): 119-127(SCI, IF=1.808)
31.Zong Meng et al. Preliminary study on acyl incorporation and migration in the production of 1,3-diacylglycerol by immobilized Lipozyme RM IM-catalyzed esterification.Food Science and Technology Research, 2014, 20(2): 175-182(SCI, IF=0.553)
32.Zong Meng et al. Kinetic study on the isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization of monoglyceride organogels.The Scientific World Journal, 2014, 2014:149753(SCI, IF=1.219)
33.Zong Meng et al. Fat crystal migration and aggregation and polymorphism evolution during the formation of granular crystals in beef tallow and palm oil.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61(51): 12676-12682(SCI, IF=3.107)
34.Zong Meng et al. Enzymatically catalyzed synthesis of anti-blooming agent 1, 3-dibehenoyl-2-oleoyl glycerol in a solvent-free system: Optimization by response surface methodology.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61(45): 10798-10806(SCI,IF=3.107)
35.Zong Meng et al. Comparative analysis of lipid composition and thermal, polymorphic, and crystallization behaviors of granular crystals formed in beef tallow and palm oil.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2011, 59(4):1432-1441(SCI, IF=2.823)
36.Zong Meng et al. Characterization of graininess formed in all beef tallow-based shortening.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010, 58(21):11463-11470(SCI,IF=2.816)
37.Zong Meng et al. Specialty fats from beef tallow and canola oil: Establishment of reaction conditions, characterization of products, and evaluation of crystal stability.Food Biophysics, 2011,6:115-126(SCI,IF=2.187)
38.Zong Meng et al. Reduction of graininess formation in beef tallow-based plastic fats by chemical interesterification of beef tallow and canola oil.Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 2010, 87(12):1435-1442(SCI,IF=1.587)
39.孟宗*等.精炼工艺对可可脂品质的影响.中国油脂, 2020, 45(7): 22-26+34
40.孟宗*等.碱化条件对可可粉颜色的影响.中国油脂, 2020, 45(11): 36-39+67
41.孟宗等.植物蜡及液态植物油构建油凝胶的物性研究.中国油脂, 2019, 44(11): 17-22
42.孟宗等.葵花籽油基油凝胶在面包及冰淇淋产品中的应用研究.中国油脂, 2019, 44(12): 154-160
43.孟宗*等.水酶法制取菜籽油的超声辅助微波破乳工艺研究.中国油脂, 2017, 42(7): 1-4+9
44.孟宗等.零反式脂肪酸涂抹脂的制备研究.中国油脂, 2013, 38(10): 39-44
45.孟宗等.牛油与低芥酸菜籽油酶法酯交换制备牛油基塑性脂肪的研究.中国油脂, 2013, 38(11): 46-50
46.孟宗等.单一乳化剂对月桂酸型代可可脂巧克力物化性质影响研究.食品工业, 2013, 34(12): 162-164
47.孟宗等.乳化剂对氢化棕榈仁油硬脂等热结晶行为影响研究.粮食与油脂, 2013, 26(10): 50-52
48.孟宗等.零反式脂肪酸搅打奶油制备研究.粮食与油脂, 2013, 26(11): 36-39
49.孟宗等.复配乳化剂对月桂酸型代可可脂巧克力物化性质影响研究.粮食与油脂, 2013, 26(7): 19-21
50.孟宗等.牛油基起酥油起砂原因分析(I)——组成、晶型.中国粮油学报, 2009, 24(2): 92-96
51.孟宗等.牛油基起酥油起砂原因分析(II)——结晶动力学、晶体形态.中国粮油学报, 2009, 24(3): 62-65
52.孟宗等.酯交换法改善牛油基起酥油起砂的初步研究.中国油脂, 2008, 33(6): 28-32
1.孟宗. 中国粮油学会青年科技奖,中国粮油学会,2022.09
2.孟宗(2/10). 食品工业专用油脂升级制造关键技术及产业化,国务院,国家科学技术进步二等奖, 2021.09
3.孟宗(2/9). 食品工业专用油脂制造关键技术开发及产业化,中国轻工业联合会,中国轻工业联合会科学技术进步一等奖,2020.01
4.孟宗(4/7). 食品专用油脂产业化加工关键技术研究与开发.教育部,科学技术进步二等奖, 2019.12
5.孟宗(2/10). 零反式脂肪酸食品专用油脂加工新技术开发与应用, 中国粮油学会, 中国粮油学会科学技术一等奖, 2015.01
6.孟宗(3/11). 零反式脂肪酸食品专用油脂加工关键技术及其产业化应用, 教育部,科学技术进步奖二等奖,2015.02
7.孟宗(7/7). 猪油制油新技术与综合开发,中国商业联合会, 中国商业联合会科学技术一等奖, 2015.12
8.孟宗(11/14). 棉籽/米糠混合油精炼关键新技术及标准化生产,中国商业联合会, 中国商业联合会科学技术一等奖,2012.12
6.孟宗等. O/W,W/O,双连续型三种相变可调脂肪类似物及制备方法和应用,专利号:ZL202211011868.2