王韧,男,博士,教授,主要从事粮食精深加工工程与技术、植物蛋白功能导向性微结构调控、碳水化合物大分子酶法修饰及应用等方面的研究工作,近年来先后主持国家重点研发项目任务、国家自然科学基金面上、青年项目、公益性行业(农业)科研专项课题等纵向项目6项,主持企业横向项目6项,参与完成863项目任务、粮食公益性行业科研专项课题、十二五国家科技支撑计划项目子课题等项目4项;以第一作者、通讯作者在Advanced Functional Materials、Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry、Food & Function、Carbohydrate Polymers、Food Chemistry、Food Hydrocolloids、Bioresource Technology等杂志发表SCI论文20余篇;获商业联合会科技进步一等奖、轻工业联合会科技进步一等奖等奖励5项。
2002-2008,麻将胡了试玩 ,硕博连读
1997-2001,麻将胡了试玩 ,本科
2021-至今,粮食发酵工艺与技术国家工程实验室/麻将胡了试玩 ,教授
2013-2021,粮食发酵工艺与技术国家工程实验室/麻将胡了试玩 ,副教授
2011-2013,麻将胡了试玩 /粮食发酵工艺与技术国家工程实验室,讲师
1.Tao Wang, Xianfu Chen, Qixin Zhong, Zhengxing Chen,Ren Wang*, Ashok R. Patel**. Facile and Efficient Construction of Water-Soluble Biomaterials with Tunable Mesoscopic Structures Using All-Natural Edible Proteins [J].Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29(31): 1901830. (IF 18.808,封面文章)
2.Ren Wang*, Zhuoshi Li, Tianqi Zhang, Hao Zhang, Xing Zhou, Tao Wang, Wei Feng, PeiBin Yu. Impact of amylose content on the starch branch chain elongation catalyzed by amylosucrase from Neisseria polysaccharea [J].Food Hydrocolloids, 2021, 111,106395. (IF 9.147)
3.Hao Zhang, Shuo Qian, Zhiming Rao, Zhengxing Chen, Qixin Zhong*,Ren Wang**. Supermolecular structures of recrystallized starches with amylopectin side chains modified by amylosucrase to different chain lengths [J].Food Hydrocolloids, 2021, 119, 106830. (IF 9.147)
4.Ren Wang, Tingting Wang, Wei Feng, Qichu Wang, Tao Wang*. Rice proteins and cod proteins forming shared microstructures with enhanced functional and nutritional properties [J].Food Chemistry, 2021, 354, 129520. (IF 7.514)
5.Ren Wang, Tingting Wang, Tiantian Dong, Qixin Zhong, Zhengxing Chen, Wei Feng, Tao Wang*. Structural interplay and macroscopic aggregation of rice albumins after binding with heavy metal ions [J].Food Hydrocolloids, 2020, 98:105248. (IF 9.147)
6.Ren Wang*, Tianqi Zhang, Jian He, Hao Zhang, Xing Zhou, Tao Wang, Wei Feng, Zhengxing Chen. Tailoring Digestibility of Starches by Chain Elongation Using Amylosucrase from Neisseria polysaccharea via a Zipper Reaction Mode [J].Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68(1): 225-234. (IF 5.279)
7.Ren Wang, Hao Zhang, Zhengxing Chen*, Qixin Zhong. Structural basis for the low digestibility of starches recrystallized from side chains of amylopectin modified by amylosucrase to different chain lengths [J].Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 241: 116352.(IF 9.381)
8.Ren Wang, Lulu Li, Wei Feng, Tao Wang*. Fabrication of hydrophilic composites by bridging the secondary structures between rice proteins and pea proteins toward enhanced nutritional properties [J].Food & Function, 2020, 11: 7446-7455.(IF 5.396,封面文章)
9.Ren Wang, Pengcheng Xu, Zhengxing Chen, Xing Zhou, Tao Wang*. Complexation of rice proteins and whey protein isolates by structural interactions to prepare soluble protein composites [J].LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2019, 101(1): 207-213. (IF 4.952)
10.Ren Wang, Pengcheng Xu, Ming Yue, Zhengxing Chen, Tao Wang*. Coordination of Fe-(II) to Eugenol to Engineer Self-Assembled Emulsions by Rice Proteins for Iron Fortification [J].Journal of Food Science, 2019, 84(2):276-283. (IF 3.167)
11. Wei Feng, Tiantian Dong, Keqiang Li, Tao Wang, Zhengxing Chen*,Ren Wang**. Characterization of binding behaviors of Cd2+to rice proteins [J].Food Chemistry, 2019, 275(2):186-192. (IF 7.514)
12. Wei Feng, Tao Wang, Tiantian Dong, Pengcheng Xu, Tianqi Zhang, Xiaohu Luo,Ren Wang*, Zhengxing Chen**. Removal of cadmium from rice proteins by soaking with hydrochloric acid or ethylene diamine tetraacetic disodium solutions [J].Journal of Cereal Science, 2019, 85(1): 35-40. (IF 3.616)
13. Tao Wang, Pengcheng Xu, Zhengxing Chen,Ren Wang*. Mechanism of structural interplay between rice proteins and soy protein isolates to design novel protein hydrocolloids [J].Food Hydrocolloids, 2018, 84: 361-367. (IF 9.147)
14. Tao Wang, Pengcheng Xu, Zhengxing Chen, Xing Zhou,Ren Wang*. Alteration of the structure of rice proteins by their interaction with soy protein isolates to design novel protein composites [J].Food & Function, 2018, 9(2): 4282-4291. (IF 5.396)
15. Hao Zhang, Zhengxing Chen, Xing Zhou, Jian He, Tao Wang, Xiaohu Luo,Ren Wang*. Anti-digestion properties of amylosucrase modified waxy corn starch [J].International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2018, 109(3): 383-388. (IF 6.953)
16. Tao Wang, Ming Yue, Pengcheng Xu,Ren Wang*, Zhengxing Chen**. Toward water-solvation of rice proteins via backbone hybridization by casein [J].Food Chemistry, 2018, 258(8): 278-283. (IF 7.514)
17. Hao Zhang, Xing Zhou, Tao Wang, Jian He, Ming Yue, Xiaohu Luo, Li Wang ,Ren Wang*, Zhengxing Chen**. Enzymatically modified waxy corn starch with amylosucrase: The effect of branch chain elongation on structural and physicochemical properties [J].Food Hydrocolloids, 2017, 63: 518-524. (IF 9.147)
18. Hao Zhang, Xing Zhou, Jian He, Tao Wang, Xiaohu Luo, Li Wang,Ren Wang*, Zhengxing Chen**. Impact of amylosucrase modification on the structural and physicochemical properties of native and acid-thinned waxy corn starch [J].Food Chemistry, 2017, 220: 413-419. (IF 7.514)
19. Hao Zhang, Xing Zhou, Tao Wang, Xiaohu Luo, Li Wang, Yanan Li,Ren Wang*, Zhengxing Chen. New insights into the action mode of amylosucrase on amylopectin [J].International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2016, 88: 380-384. (IF 6.953)
20. Tao Wang, Li Wang,Ren Wang*, Zhengxing Chen**. Effects of freeze-milling on the physicochemical properties of rice protein isolates [J].LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2016, 65: 832-839. (IF 4.952)
21. Tao Wang, Hao Zhang, Li Wang,Ren Wang*, Zhengxing Chen**. Mechanistic Insights into Solubilization of Rice Protein Isolates by Freeze-Milling combined with Alkali Pretreatment [J].Food chemistry, 2015, 178(1): 82-88. (IF 7.514)
22.Ren Wang, Jung-Hwan Kim, Bum-Soo Kim, Cheon-Seok Park, and Sang-Ho Yoo*. Preparation and characterization of non-covalently immobilized amylosucrase using a pH-dependent autoprecipitating carrier [J].Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102(10): 6370-6374. (IF 9.642)
23.Ren Wang, Jun-Soo Bae, Jung-Hwan Kim, Bum-Soo Kim, So-Hee Yoon, Cheon-Seok Park, and Sang-Ho Yoo*. Development of an efficient bioprocess for turanose production by sucrose isomerisation reaction of amylosucrase [J].Food Chemistry, 2012, 132(2): 773-779. (IF 7.514)
(1)王韧,张颖,陈正行,周星,王涛,冯伟.一种两段式通气处理与复合金属离子浸泡处理的双重胁迫萌发制备发芽糙米的方法. 2019106823147
(2)王韧,张昊.一种化学结合酶法高效制备热稳定型慢消化淀粉的方法. ZL201510926335.0
(3)王韧,陈正行,王涛,徐鹏程.一种制备高可溶性共架结构的大米蛋白的方法. 201710948130.1
(4)王韧,陈正行,王涛,徐鹏程.一种透明牛奶的制备方法. 201711129131.X
(5)陈正行,王韧,王涛,冯伟.一种可溶性糖架大米蛋白的制备方法. 201810728935X
(6)陈正行,王勇,王韧,王莉,罗小虎.一种脱除稻米粉中黄曲霉毒素的方法. ZL201210477690.0
(7)陈正行,袁汝玲,王韧,王莉,李亚男,罗小虎.一种微波-超声辅助复合溶剂提取燕麦麸油的方法及其在化妆品中的全利用. ZL201610166204.1
(8)陈正行,王勇,王韧,王莉,罗小虎.一种功能性质改善的脱黄曲霉毒素稻米蛋白的制备方法. ZL201310161863.2
(9)陈正行,王涛,王韧,王莉.一种高可溶性大米蛋白的物理改性制备方法. ZL201410109957.X
(10)陈正行,赵秀平,王韧,王莉,李亚男,罗小虎.一种脱除食用油中黄曲霉毒素的磁性介孔二氧化硅吸附剂的制备方法. ZL201410779486.3