谢云飞,麻将胡了试玩 教授、副院长、博士生导师,2021年教育部国家级高层次人才(青年),江苏省“双创博士”,无锡市优秀教育工作者,无锡市“五四青年奖章”获得者,江苏省科协第十届委员会委员,江苏省食品科学与技术学会理事。目前发表SCI文章170余篇,其中第一和通讯作者发表50余篇;主持国家重大仪器科学设备开发项目课题等国家级项目5项;授权发明专利17项(1项为国际专利);获中国商业联合会科学技术奖一等奖、中国轻工业联合会技术发明奖二等奖等4项。
2006.9 – 2011.6 物理化学,理学博士,吉林大学超分子结构与材料国家重点实验室
2009.9 – 2010.9 “国家建设高水平大学”联合培养博士研究生,日本关西学院大学
2002.9 – 2006.7 化学,理学学士,吉林大学化学学院
1.食品添加过程产生保守性标志物的多谱联用技术研发, 国家“十三五”重点研发计划子课题(2018YFC1602303),2018–2021
[1]Xu., Z., X., Hu., Z., Y., Yu., Z., L., Huang., L., J., Yang., F., W.,Xie., Y., F.,* (2023) .Virtual screening of quorum sensing inhibitors for Salmonella Typhimurium and their application as preservatives in chicken breast. Food Bioscience 55 (2023) 102957.
[2]Zhang., J., Hu., Z., Y., Chen., D., Y., Yu., Z., L., Huang., L., J., Yu., H., Yao., W., R., Xie, Y. F.,* (2023) . Inactivation effect of Staphylococcus aureus and application on fresh-cut pineapples by plasma-activated tartaric acid. Food Bioscience 54 (2023) 102789.
[3]Jiang., X., L., Cheng., J., Yang., F., W., Hu., Z., Y., Zheng., Z., Deng., Y., Cao., B., Y.,Xie, Y. F. ,*. Visual Colorimetric Detection of Edible Oil Freshness for Peroxides Based on Nanocellulose.Foods 2023, 12(9), 1896.
[4]Xie, Y. F. ,*Dong., X. H., Cai, N. F., Yang, F. W., Yao, W. R.,& Huang., L. J. Application of a Novel Au@ZIF-8 Composite in the Detection of Bisphenol A by Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. Foods, 2023, 12(4), 813.
[5]Xu, Z. X., Liu, Y. L., Yang, F. W., Huang., L. J., Yu, H., Yao, W. R., &Xie, Y. F. *. A novel malachite green staining approach for evaluating the internal freshness of egg by detecting the quality of egg cuticle. Food Bioscience 50 (2022) 102069.
[6]Du, Y. H., Yang, F. W., Yu, H., Yao, W. R., &Xie, Y. F.*(2022).Controllable Fabrication of Edible Coatings to Improve the Match Between Barrier and Fruits Respiration Through Layer-by-Layer Assembly. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 15:1778–1793.
[7]Yang, F. W., Wang, C., Yu, H., Guo, Y. H., Cheng, Y. L., Yao, W. R., &Xie, Y. F.*(2022).Establishment of the thin-layer chromatography-surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and chemometrics method for simultaneous identification of eleven illegal drugs in anti-rheumatic health food. Food Bioscience, 49, 101842.
[8]Shi, S. Q., Yu, H., Yang, F. W., Yao, W. R., &Xie, Y. F.*(2022).Simultaneous determination of 14 nitroimidazoles using thin-layer chromatography combined with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TLC-SERS). Food Bioscience, 48, 101755.
[9]Liu, Q. R., Chen, Z., Chen, Y. L., Yang, F. W., Yao, W. R., &Xie, Y. F.*(2022).Microplastics contamination in eggs: Detection, occurrence and status. Food Chemistry, (397), 133771.
[10]Yang, F. W., Mi, J. Q., Huang, F., Pienpinijtham, P., Guo, Y. H., Cheng, Y. L., Yao, W. R., &Xie, Y. F.*(2022). Trans-cinnamaldehyde inhibits Penicillium italicum by damaging mitochondria and inducing apoptosis mechanisms. Food Science and Human Wellness, 11(4),975-981.
[11]Yang, F. W., Cui, Y. W., Yu, H., Guo, Y. H., Cheng, Y. L., Yao, W. R., &Xie, Y. F.*(2022). Identifying potential thyroid hormone disrupting effects among diphenyl ether structure pesticides and their metabolites in silico.Chemosphere,288, 132575.
[12]Yu, H. *, Liu, Y., Yang, F. W.,Xie, Y. F. *, Guo, Y. H., Cheng, Y. L., & Yao, W. R. (2021). Combined an acoustic pressure simulation of ultrasonic radiation and experimental studies to evaluate control efficacy of high-intensity ultrasound against Staphylococcus aureus biofilm.Ultrasonics Sonochemistry,79, 105764.
[13]Liu, Q. R., Chen, Z., Chen, Y. L., Yang, F. W., Yao, W. R., &Xie, Y. F. *(2021). Microplastics and nanoplastics: Emerging contaminants in food.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,69(36), 10450-10468.
[14]Zhou, Y. Y., Cui, Y. W., Wang, C., Yang, F. W., Yao, W. R., Yu, H., Guo, Y. H., &Xie, Y. F. *(2021). Rapid and accurate monitoring and modeling analysis of eight kinds of nut oils during oil oxidation process based on Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.Food Control,130, 108294.
[15]Sun, Y. Y., Li, W., Zhao, L. Q. *, Li, F. Y.,Xie, Y. F. *, Yao, W. R., Liu, W. Q., & Lin, Z. S. (2021). Simultaneous SERS detection of illegal food additives rhodamine B and basic orange II based on Au nanorod-incorporated melamine foam.Food Chemistry,357, 129741.
[16]Wang, C., Sun, Y. Y., Zhou, Y. Y., Cui, Y. W., Yao, W. R., Yu, H., Guo, Y. H., &Xie, Y. F. *(2021). Dynamic monitoring oxidation process of nut oils through Raman technology combined with PLSR and RF-PLSR model.LWT-Food Science and Technology,146, 111290.
[17]Yu, H. *, Liu, Y., Yang, F. W.,Xie, Y. F. *, Guo, Y. H., Cheng, Y. L., & Yao, W. R. (2021). Synergistic efficacy of high-intensity ultrasound and chlorine dioxide combination for Staphylococcus aureus biofilm control.Food Control,122, 107822.
[18]Du, Y. H., Yang, F. W., Yu, H., Cheng, Y. L., Guo, Y. H., Yao, W. R., &Xie, Y. F. *(2021). Fabrication of novel self-healing edible coating for fruits preservation and its performance maintenance mechanism.Food Chemistry,351, 129294.
[19]Mi, S. N., Ji, L. J., Yu, H., Guo, Y. H., Cheng, Y. L., Yang, F. W., Yao, W. R., &Xie, Y. F. *(2021). Zero-background surface-enhanced Raman scattering detection of cymoxanil based on the change of the cyano group after ultraviolet irradiation.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,69(1), 520-527.
[20]Liu, Y. L., Ren, X. N., Yu, H., Cheng, Y. L., Guo, Y. H., Yao, W. R., &Xie, Y. F. *(2020). Non-destructive and online egg freshness assessment from the egg shell based on Raman spectroscopy.Food Control,118, 107426.
[21]Ju, J.,Xie, Y. F. *, Guo, Y. H., Cheng, Y. L., Qian, H., & Yao, W. R. (2020). Application of starch microcapsules containing essential oil in food preservation.Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition,60(17), 2825-2836.
[22]Chen, Q. M., Zhang, Y. C., Guo, Y. H., Cheng, Y. L., Qian, H., Yao, W. R.,Xie, Y. F. *, & Ozaki, Y. (2020). Non-destructive prediction of texture of frozen/thaw raw beef by Raman spectroscopy.Journal of Food Engineering,266, 109693.
[23]Ju, J.,Xie, Y. F. *, Guo, Y. H., Cheng, Y. L., Qian, H., & Yao, W. R. (2019). The inhibitory effect of plant essential oils on foodborne pathogenic bacteria in food.Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition,59(20), 3281-3292.
[24]Ju, J.,Xie, Y. F. *, Guo, Y. H., Cheng, Y. L., Qian, H., & Yao, W. R. (2019). Application of edible coating with essential oil in food preservation.Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition,59(15), 2467-2480.
[25]Kong, J., Zhang, Y., Ju, J.,Xie, Y. F. *, Guo, Y. H., Cheng, Y. L., Qian, H., Quek, S. Y., & Yao, W. R. (2019). Antifungal effects of thymol and salicylic acid on cell membrane and mitochondria of Rhizopus stolonifer and their application in postharvest preservation of tomatoes.Food Chemistry,285, 380-388.
[26]Xie, Y. F. *, Jiang, S. H., Li, M., Guo, Y. H., Chen, Y. L., Qian, H., & Yao, W. R. (2019). Evaluation on the formation of lipid free radicals in the oxidation process of peanut oil.LWT-Food Science and Technology,104, 24-29.
[27]Li, M., Fan, Y. H., Liu, Z. G.,Xie, Y. F. *, Guo, Y. H., Cheng, Y. L., Qian, H., & Yao, W. R. (2019). Tracing the melamine migration from three-piece tin cans into food simulants during coating process.LWT-Food Science and Technology,101, 300-305.
[28]Xie, Y. F., Chen, T., Guo, Y. H., Cheng, Y. L., Qian, H., & Yao, W. R. * (2019). Rapid SERS detection of acid orange II and brilliant blue in food by using Fe3O4@Au core-shell substrate.Food Chemistry,270, 173-180.
[29]Guo, Y. H., Chen, Q. M., Qi, Y. T.,Xie, Y. F. *, Qian, H., Yao, W. R., & Pei, R. J. (2017). Label-free ratiometric DNA detection using two kinds of interaction-responsive emission dyes.Biosensors & Bioelectronics,87, 320-324.
[30]Xie, Y. F., Bao, Y., Wang, H. Y., Cheng, Y. L., Qian, H., & Yao, W. R. * (2015). Release of bisphenols from can coatings into canned beer in China market.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,95(4), 764-770.
[31]Xie, Y. F., Li, Y., Niu, L., Wang, H. Y., Qian, H., & Yao, W. R. * (2012). A novel surface-enhanced Raman scattering sensor to detect prohibited colorants in food by graphene/silver nanocomposite.Talanta,100, 32-37.
1.国际专利(巴黎公约):拉曼光谱表征反复冻融过程中牛肉脂肪品质变化的方法(US10126245).谢云飞,陈清敏,姚卫蓉,郭亚辉,成玉梁,钱和. Method for representing quality change process of beef fat during repeated freezing and thawing through Raman spectrum.