张晓鸣,男,汉族,1965年10月生,江苏无锡人,博士、江南大学教授、博导,日本京都大学食品生物科学专攻博士后,江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人。2011.9-2012.7,任石河子大学麻将胡了试玩 院长。
Prof. Zhang Xiaoming
Professor Zhang Xiaoming is currently the Professor of Food Science at Jiangnan University and the Director of Food Chemistry Laboratory for Flavor Processing and Functional ComponentsStabilization. He got his BSc. degree in Geochemistry at University of Science and Technology of China (1988), obtained his MSc. degree in Cereal Science (1990) and Ph.D. degree in Fermentation Engineering (1997) from Jiangnan University (China) and then completed his postdoctoral training (2000-2012) from Kyoto University (Japan). He has been engaged in a series of original research on the basic science and technology problems of Maillard reaction, the stabilization technology of flavor compounds and functional components, the development of food additives and ingredients, etc. For the past 5 years he is the principal investigator for 12 government projects including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the 13thFive Years National key research and development program of China,the 12thFive Years National Science and Technology Support Program, Agricultural Science Technology Achievement Transformation Fund, the Jiangsu Province Science and Technology Support Program, etc. Moreover, more than 10 cooperation projects have been completed and applied in enterprise production. As the host of many completed projects, he was awardedthe Second prize of technical invention of the Ministry of Education in 2013(rank, 1st) and the 1stprize of China Light Industry Council Science and Technology Progress Award in 2013 (rank, 1st). He has published more than 70 SCI papers during the past five years, edited 5 books and obtained 15 authorized invention patents.As the host and outstanding expert in the field of National Food Engineering, he has drafted the standards for master’s degree in Food Engineering.
1993.7-1998.6,无锡轻工大学,麻将胡了试玩 ,讲师
1998.7-2000.8,麻将胡了试玩 ,副教授
2004.9-至今,麻将胡了试玩 ,教授,博导
留学生:Sensory Evaluation of Food,Food Additives
(Flavor Chemistry-Theory and Technology)
1. 国家自然科学基金(31671826),美拉德反应中间体水相定向制备机制及其加工风味受控形成规律研究
2. 国家“十三五”重点研发计划“食品风味特征与品质形成机理及加工适用性研究”课题“食品特色风味与品质的稳定性调控机制与方法”
3. 国家“十二五”科技支撑计划“食品香料香精制备关键技术研究及产业化”(2011BAD23B01)子课题,缓释型食用香精制备与品质控制关键技术
4. 国家十二五科技支撑计划“代谢综合征防治功能成分的制备关键技术、活性评价及其应用”(2012BAD33B05)子课题,代谢综合征防治功能性成分稳态化技术
5. 国家自然科学基金(31071602),美拉德肽的形成机制及其定向制备研究
6. 科技部农业科技成果转化资金项目(2011GB23600012),功能性风味肽调味产品的中试与示范
7. 国家863高技术研究发展计划“现代食品生物工程技术专题”(2006AA10Z312),功能性脂肪酸糖酯的选择性酯化制造技术
8. 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划重点项目“功能性食品的研制与开发”(2006BAD27B04),功能因子生物活性稳态化技术的研究
9. 江苏省科技支撑计划(BE2011379),营养保鲜花色功能性腐乳的关键技术研究与产业化
10. 广东省产学研项目(2010B090400139),可控释耐高温微胶囊化香精制备及应用关键技术”
11. 江苏省科技支撑计划(BE2008374),美拉德反应风味增强肽的研究与开发。
12. 江苏省科技支撑计划(BE2008326),乳制品营养强化剂—氨基酸络合物及其纳米脂质体的研究与开发
13. 国家烟草局重点项目“美拉德反应中间体的可控制备及其在卷烟中的应用研究”
14. 美的电热电器制造有限公司系列合作项目“电饭煲烹饪米饭香气提升技术研究”、“电饭煲烹饪米饭品质提升技术研究”、“电饭煲配置剖析与米饭品质提升技术”、“电炖锅炖汤加热条件对风味特征影响””
15. 美的集团厨房电器制造有限公司“微波烹饪菜品色香味品质提升技术研究”、“电蒸箱蒸制食材品质提升技术”
16. 江南大学与莱芜生姜加工协会、山东省万兴食品有限公司共同建设“生姜加工技术联合研发中心系列合作项目
17. 云南中烟工业有限责任公司横向项目“肽美拉德反应中间体的高效制备、分离分析以及性质研究”
18. 云南中烟工业有限责任公司横向项目“云产卷烟定向增香及双向保润技术开发及应用”
19. 广西中烟工业有限责任公司横向项目“生物技术提高薄片质量的研究”
20. 江西中烟工业有限责任公司横向项目“国内品牌卷烟风格特征剖析及成因分析”
21. 上海川崎食品有限公司横向项目“大豆多肽提取与扩增及其在调味品和功能食品中的应用”
22. 山东盛德泰食品有限公司横向项目“莱芜姜精深加工”
23. 珠海雅富兴源食品工业有限公司横向项目“高品质萝卜红色素提取技术”
24. 广西中烟工业有限责任公司横向项目“卷烟吸湿解析变化规律及成因分析”
25. 广西中烟工业有限责任公司横向项目“生物化学技术醇化低次烟叶的开发和应用研究”
1. Siyun Lu, Heping Cui, Huan Zhan, Khizar Hayat, Chengsheng Jia, Shahzad Hussain, Muhammad Usman Tahir, Xiaoming Zhang* and Chi-Tang Ho, Timely addition of glutathione for its interaction with deoxypentosone to inhibit the aqueous maillard reaction and browning of glycylglycine-arabinose system. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 67, 6585-6593, 2019.
2. Xiaohong. Yu, Heping. Cui, Khizar. Hayat, Shshzad. Hussain, Chengsheng. Jia, Songlin. Zhang, Muhammad. Usman. Tahir, Xiaoming. Zhang* and Chi-Tang Ho, Effective mechanism of (-)-epigallocatechin gallate indicating the critical formation conditions of amadori compound during an aqueous maillard reaction. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 67, 3412-3422, 2019.
3. Yun. Zhai, Heping. Cui, Khizar. Hayat, Shahzad. Hussain, Muhammad. U. Tahir, Jingyang. Yu, Chengsheng. Jia, Xiaoming. Zhang* and Chi-Tang. Ho, Interaction of added l-cysteine with 2-threityl-thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid derived from the xylose-cysteine system affecting its maillard browning. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 67 (31), 8632-8640, 2019.
4. Wei. Tang, Heping. Cui, Fuli. Sun, Xiaohong. Yu, Khizar. Hayat, Shahzad. Hussain, Muhammad. U. Tahir, Xiaoming. Zhang* and Chi-Tang. Ho, N-(1-deoxy-d-xylulos-1-yl)-glutathione: A maillard reaction intermediate predominating in aqueous glutathione-xylose systems by simultaneous dehydration-reaction. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 67 (32), 8994-9001, 2019.
5. Heping. Cui, Jingyang. Yu, Shuqin. Xia, Emmanuel. Duhoranimana, Qingrong. Huang and Xiaoming. Zhang*, Improved controlled flavor formation during heat-treatment with a stable maillard reaction intermediate derived from xylose-phenylalanine. Food Chemistry, 271, 47-53, 2019.
6. Zhenchun. Sun, Ni. Yang, Chujiao. Liu, Robert. S. T. Linforth, Xiaoming. Zhang* and Ian. D. Fisk, Aroma binding and stability in brewed coffee: A case study of 2-furfurylthiol. Food Chemistry, 295, 449-455, 2019.
7. Song-Lin Zhang,* Chang Xiao, Hai-Xing Wan and Xiaoming Zhang*. General and selective syn-carboxylation-trifluoromethylation of terminal alkynes: application to the late-stage modification of dehydrocholic acid. Chem. Commun., 55, 4099-4102, 2019.
8. Huining Chen, Heping Cui, Man Zhang, Khizar Hayat, Jingyang Yu, Shuqin Xia, Yun Zhai and Xiaoming Zhang*, Improving the flavor and oxidation resistance of processed sunflower seeds with maillard peptides. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 12, 809-819, 2019.
9. Wentian. Chen, Eric. Karangwa, Jingyang. Yu, Shuqin. Xia, Biao. Feng and Xiaoming. Zhang*, Effect of sodium chloride concentration on off-flavor removal correlated to glucosinolate degradation and red radish anthocyanin stability. J Food Sci Technol, 56, 937-950, 2019.
10. I. Habinshuti, X. Chen, J. Yu, O. Mukeshimana, E. Duhoranimana, E. Karangwa, B. Muhoza, M. Zhang, S. Xia and X. Zhang*, Antimicrobial, antioxidant and sensory properties of maillard reaction products (mrps) derived from sunflower, soybean and corn meal hydrolysates. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 101, 694-702, 2019.
11. Fei Yin, Eric Karangwa, Shiqing Song, Emmanuel Duhoranimana, Shunshun Lin, Heping Cui and Xiaoming Zhang*, Contribution of tobacco composition compounds to characteristic aroma of chinese faint-scent cigarettes through chromatography analysis and partial least squares regression. Journal of Chromatography B, 1105, 217-227, 2019.
12. Man. Xu, Heping. Cui, Fuli. Sun, Chengsheng. Jia, Songlin. Zhang, Shahzad. Hussain, Muhammad Usman. Tahir, Xiaoming. Zhang* and Khizar. Hayat, Preparation of n-(1-deoxy-a-d-xylulos-1-yl)-glutamic acid via aqueous maillard reaction coupled with vacuum dehydration and its flavor formation through thermal treatment of baking process. Journal of Food Science . 84, 8:2171-2180, 2019
13. Heping Cui, Khizar Hayat, and Xiaoming Zhang*. Antioxidant Activity In Vitro of N-(1-deoxy-α-Dxylulos-1-yl)-Phenylalanine: Comparison Among Maillard Reaction Intermediate, End-Products and Xylose-Phenylalanine. Journal of Food Science. 84, 5: 1060-1067, 2019
1. Heping Cui, Khizar Hayat, Chengsheng Jia, Emmanuel Duhoranimana, Qingrong Huang, Xiaoming Zhang*, Chi-Tang Ho*. Synergistic Effect of Thermal Reaction and Vacuum Dehydration for Improving Xylose-Phenylalanine Conversion to N-(1-deoxy-D-xylulos-1-yl)-phenylalanine during an Aqueous Maillard Reaction. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66(38), 10077-10085, 2018.
2. Man Zhang, Xiao Chen, Khizar Hayat, Emmanuel Duhoranimanaa, Xiaoming Zhang*, Shuqin Xia, Jingyang Yu, Fenglei Xing. Characterization of odor-active compounds of chicken broth and improved flavor by thermal modulation in electrical stewpots. Food Research International, 109, 72-81, 2018.
3. Heping Cui, Emmanuel Duhoranimana, Eric Karangwa, Chengsheng Jia, Xiaoming Zhang*. Sodium sulfite pH-buffering effect for improved xylose-phenylalanine conversion to N-(1-deoxy-D-xylulos-1-yl)-phenylalanine during an aqueous Maillard reaction. Food Chemistry, 246: 442-447, 2018.
4. Emmanuel Duhoranimana, Yu Jingyang, Odile Mukeshimana, Ildephonse Habinshuti, Eric Karangwa, Xing Xu, Bertrand Muhoza, Shuqin Xia, Xiaoming Zhang*. Thermodynamic characterization of GelatineSodium carboxymethyl cellulose complex coacervation encapsulating Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA). Food Hydrocolloids, 80, 149-159, 2018.
5. Qingqing Chai, Khizar Hayat, Eric Karangwa, Emmanuel Duhoranimana, Xiaoming Zhang*, Shuqin Xia, Jingyang Yu. Investigating the optimum conditions for minimized 3-chloropropane-1,2-diol esters content and improved sensory attributes during savory beef flavor preparation. Food Chemistry, 243: 96-102, 2018.
6. Zhenchun Sun, Khizar Hayat, Jingyang Yu, Eric Karangwa, Emmanuel Duhoranimana, Xiaoming Zhang*, Shuqin Xia. Quantification of Free 2-Furfurylthiol in Coffee Brew Using a Prefabricated Coffee Model. Food Analytical Methods, 11: 654-662, 2018.
7. Xiao Chen, Nghia Huynh, Heping Cui, Peng Zhou, Xiaoming Zhang*, Baoru Yang*. Correlating supercritical fluid extraction parameters with volatile compounds from Finnish mushrooms (Craterellus tubaeformis) and yield prediction by partial least squares regression analysis. RSC Advances, 8, 5233-5242, 2018.
8. Xiao Chen, Jingyang Yu, Heping Cui, Shuqin Xia, Xiaoming Zhang*, Baoru Yang*. Effect of Temperature on flavor compounds and sensory characteristics of Maillard reaction products derived from mushroom hydrolysate. Molecules, 23, 247, 2018.
9. Qingqing Chai, Eric Karangwa, Emmanuel Duhoranimana, Xiaoming Zhang*, Shuqin Xia, Jingyang Yu. Tallow Beef Flavor: Effect of processing conditions and ingredients on 3-chloropropane-1, 2-diol esters generation and sensory characteristics. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology. 120: 1700337(1-8), 2018.
10. Wentian Chen, Eric Karangwa, Jingyang Yu, Duhoranimana Emmanuel, Shuqin Xia, Biao Feng, Xiaoming Zhang*, Chensheng Jia. Coupling effects of pre-heating time and extraction medium pH on red radish anthocyanin yield, glucosinolate degradation and off-odor removal. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 53, 709–718, 2018
International conference
1. Xiaoming Zhang, Heping Cui, Jingyang Yu, Shuqin Xia. Controlled formation of flavor compounds by preparation and application of Maillard reaction intermediates [C]. The 2nd International Flavor and Fragrance Conference, May, 28th-31st, 2018.
2. Huan Zhan, Shiqing Song, Xiaoxia Shi, Huangnv Chen, Xiaoming Zhang*. Controlled lipid oxidation to improve characteristic meat flavor[C]. The 2nd International Flavor and Fragrance Conference, May, 28th-31st, 2018.
3. Man Zhang, Jingyang Yu, Emmanuel Duhoranimana, Shuqin Xia, Xiaoming Zhang*. Flavor formation of pork bone soups affected by the heating mode of different stewpots[C]. The 2nd International Flavor and Fragrance Conference, May, 28th-31st, 2018.
4. Xiaohong Yu, Jingyang Yu, Wentian Chen, Karangwa Eric, Emmanuel Duhoranimana, Shuqing Xia, Xiaoming Zhang*. Application of Partial Least Squares (PLSR) in Food Flavor Research[C]. The 2nd International Flavor and Fragrance Conference, May, 28th-31st, 2018.
1. Emmanuel Duhoranimana, Eric Karangwa, Lingfeng Lai, Xing Xu, Jingyang Yu, Shuqin Xia, Xiaoming Zhang*, Bertrand Muhoza, Ildephonse Habinshuti. Effect of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose on complex coacervates formation with gelatin: Coacervates characterization, stabilization and formation mechanism. Food Hydrocolloids, 69, 111-120 , 2017.
2. Xing Xu, Emmanuel Duhoranimana, Xiaoming Zhang*. Preparation and characterization of magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers for the extraction of hexamethylenetetramine in milk samples. Talanta , 16, 331–38, 2017.
3. Qingyuan Dai, Xiuling Zhu, Jingyang Yu, Eric Karangwa, Shuqin Xia, Xiaoming Zhang*, Chengsheng Jia. Critical desiccation state Raman spectroscopy for simple, rapid and sensitive detection of native and glycosylated protein. Food Hydrocolloids. 66, 90-98, 2017.
4. Xing Xu, Emmanuel Duhoranimana, Xiaoming Zhang*.Selective extraction of methenamine from chicken eggs using molecularly imprinted polymers and LC-MS/MS confirmation. Food Control 73, 265-272, 2017.
5. Wentian Chen, Eric Karangwa, Jingyang Yu, Shuqin Xia, Biao Feng, Xiaoming Zhang*, Chensheng Jia. Characterizing Red Radish Pigment Off-Odor and Aroma-Active Compounds by Sensory Evaluation, Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry/Olfactometry and Partial Least Square Regression. Food Bioprocess Technol. 10:1337–1353, 2017.
6. Haining Xu, Xiaoming Zhang,* Eric Karangwa and Shuqin Xia. Correlating enzymatic browning inhibition and antioxidant ability of Maillard reaction products derived fromdifferent amino acids. J Sci Food Agric. 97: 4210–4218, 2017.
7. Man Zhang, Eric Karangwa, Emmanuel Duhoranimana, Xiaoming Zhang*, Shuqin Xia, Jingyang Yu, Man Xu. Characterization of pork bone soup odor active compounds from traditional clay and commercial electrical stewpots by sensory evaluation, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry/olfactometry and partial least squares regression. Flavour Fragr J. 32:470–483, 2017.
8. Heping Cui, Chengsheng Jia, Khizar Hayat, Jingyang Yu, Shibin Deng, Eric Karangwa, Emmanuel Duhoranimana, Shuqin Xia, Xiaoming Zhang*. Controlled formation of flavor compounds by preparation and application of Maillard reaction intermediate (MRI) derived from xylose and phenylalanine. RSC Adv., 7, 45442 – 45451, 2017
1. Qingyuan Dai, Xiuling Zhu, Jingyang Yu, Eric Karangwa, Shuqin Xia, Xiaoming Zhang,*and Chengsheng Jia. Mechanism of Formation and Stabilization of Nanoparticles Produced by Heating Electrostatic Complexes of WPI-Dextran Conjugate and Chondroitin Sulfate. J. Agric. Food Chem. 64, 5539−5548, 2016..
2. Xing Xu, Xiaoming Zhang*, Emmanuel Duhoranimana, Yan Zhang, Ping Shu .Determination of methenamine residues in edible animal tissues by HPLC-MS/MS using a modified QuEChERS method: Validation and pilot survey in actual samples. Food Control 61 99-104, 2016.
3. Qingqing Chai, Xiaoming Zhang,* Eric Karangwa, Qingyuan Dai, Shuqin Xia,Jingyang Yu and Yahui Gao. Direct determination of 3-chloro-1,2-propanediol esters in beef flavoring products by ultraperformance liquid chromatography tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry. RSC Adv., 6, 113576–113582, 2016
4. Chen Wentian, Karangwa Eric, Yu Jingyang, Xia Shuqin, Feng Biao and Zhang Xiaoming* Improving red radish anthocyanin yield and off flavor removal by acidified aqueous organic based medium. RSC Adv., 6, 97532–97545, 2016
5. Haining Xu, Xiaoming Zhang* and Eric Karangwa. Inhibition Effects of Maillard Reaction Products Derived from L-cysteine and Glucose on Enzymatic Browning Catalyzed by Mushroom Tyrosinase and Characterization of Active Compounds by Partial Least Squares Regression Analysis. RSC Adv., 6, 65825–65836, 2016.
6. Shunshun Lin, Xiaoming Zhang*, Shiqing Song, Khizar Hayat, Karangwa Eric, Hamid Majeed. Tobacco alkaloids reduction by casings added/enzymatic hydrolysis treatments assessed through PLSR analysis. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 75:27-34, 2016.
7. Fei Yin Xiaoming Zhang* Shiqing Song Ting Han Eric Karangwa. Identification of aroma types and their characteristic volatile compounds of Chinese faint‑scent cigarettes based on descriptive sensory analysis and GC–MS and partial least squares regression. Eur Food Res Technol 242:869–880, 2016.
8. Eric Karangwa Nicole Murekatete Jean de Dieu Habimana Kingsley Masamba Emmanuel Duhoranimana Bertrand Muhoza Xiaoming Zhang*. Contribution of crosslinking products in the flavour enhancer processing: the new concept of Maillard peptide in sensory characteristics of Maillard reaction systems. J Food Sci Technol 53(6):2863–2875, 2016.
9. Shunshun Lin, Zhang, Xiaoming*. A rapid and novel method for predicting nicotine alkaloids in tobacco through electronic nose and partial least square regression analysis. Analytical Methods, 8:1609-1617, 2016.
1. Qingyuan Dai, Xiuling Zhu, Shabbar Abbas, Eric Karangwa, Xiaoming Zhang*, Shuqin Xia, Biao Feng, and Chengsheng Jia. Stable Nanoparticles Prepared by Heating Electrostatic Complexes of Whey Protein Isolate–Dextran Conjugate and Chondroitin Sulfate. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63 (16), 4179–4189, 2015.
2. Shabbar Abbas, Eric Karangwa, Mohanad Bashari, Khizar Hayat, Xiao Hong, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Xiaoming Zhang*. Fabrication of polymeric nanocapsules from curcumin-loaded nanoemulsion templates by self-assembly. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 23, 81–92, 2015.
3. Xing Xu, Xiaoming Zhang*, Shabbar Abbas, Eric Karangwa, Emmanuel Duhoranimana, Feijin Peng, Ping Shu. Methenamine in dairy products by isotope dilution gas chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry:Method validation and occurrence. Food Control 57, 89-95, 2015.
4. Yating Zhang, Chen Tan, Shabbar Abbas, Karangwa Eric, Shuqin Xia, Xiaoming Zhang *.Modified SPI improves the emulsion properties and oxidative stability of fish oil microcapsules. Food hydrocolloids, 51, 108–117, 2015.
5. Yating Zhang, Chen Tan, Karangwa Eric, Shabbar Abbas, Fengru Liu, Xiaoming Zhang*, Shuqin Xia andChengsheng Jia.Effect of limited enzymatic hydrolysis on physico-chemical properties of soybean protein isolate-maltodextrin conjugates. International journal of food science and technology, 50(1): 226-232, 2015.
6. Eric Karangwa; Xiaoming Zhang*; Nicole Murekatete; Kingsley Masamba; Linda Virginie Raymond; Abbas Shabbar; Yating Zhang; Emmanuel Duhoranimana; Bertrand Muhoza; Shiqing Song. Effect of substrate type on sensory characteristics and antioxidant capacity of sunflower Maillard reaction products. European Food Research and Technology 240(5) 939-960, 2015.
7. Meigui Huang, Xiaoming Zhang*, Eric Karangwa. Comparation sensory characteristic, non-volatile compounds, volatile compounds and antioxidant activity of MRPs by novel gradient temperature-elevating and traditional isothermal methods. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 52(2):858-866, 2015
8. Siqun Jing, Xiaoming Zhang* and Liang-Jun Yan. Antioxidant Activity, Antitumor Effect, and Antiaging Property of Proanthocyanidins Extracted from Kunlun Chrysanthemum Flowers. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. Volume 2015, Article ID 983484, //dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/983484, 2015
9. Jing S, Zhang X*, Yue L. Purificationof procyanidins from Kunlun Chrysanthemum by macroporous resins combined with silica gel and evaluation of antioxidant activities in vitro. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 28(1 Suppl):383-91, 2015
1. Yi Lv, Fan Yang, Xueying Li, Xiaoming Zhang*, Shabbar Abbas. Formation of heat-resistant nanocapsules of jasmine essential oil via gelatin/gum arabic based complex coacervation. Food Hydrocolloids. 35, 305-314, 2014
2. Fang Liu, Shiqing Song, Xiaoming Zhang*, Chen Tan, Eric Karangwa. Effect of sterilization methods on ginger flavor beverage assessed by partial least squares regression of descriptive sensory analysis and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. European Food Research and Technology. 238:247–257, 2014.
3. Yating Zhang, Chen Tan, Shabbar Abbas, Karangwa Eric, Xiaoming Zhang*, Shuqin Xia, Chengsheng Jia. The effect of soy protein structural modification on emulsion properties and oxidative stability of fish oil microcapsules. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 120, 63–70, 2014
4. Shabbar Abbas, Mohanad Bashari, Waseem Akhtar, Wei Wei Li, Xiaoming Zhang*, Process optimization of ultrasound-assisted curcumin nanoemulsions stabilized by OSA-modified starch. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 21, 1265–1274, 2014
5. Yating Zhang, Chen Tan, Xiaoming Zhang*, Shuqin Xia, Chengsheng Jia, Karangwa Eric, Shabbar Abbas, Biao Feng, Fang Zhong. Effects of maltodextrin glycosylation following limited enzymatic hydrolysis on the functional and conformational properties of soybean protein isolate. European Food Research and Technology. 238, 957–968, 2014
6. Shiqing Song, Qi Tang, Khizar Hayat, Eric Karangwa, Xiaoming Zhang*, Zuobing Xiao. Effect of enzymatic hydrolysis with subsequent mild thermal oxidation of tallow on precursor formation and sensory profiles of beef flavours assessed by partial least squares regression. Meat Science. 96, 1191-1200, 2014
7. Karangwa Eric, Linda Virginie Raymond, Shabbar Abbas, Shiqing Song, Yating Zhang, Kingsley Masamba, Xiaoming Zhang*. Temperature and cysteine addition effect on formation of sunflower hydrolysate Maillard reaction products and corresponding influence on sensory characteristics assessed by Partial Least Square Regression. Food Research International. 57, 242-258, 2014
8. Shunshun Lin, Jing Zhang, Yahui Gao, Xiaoming Zhang,* Shiqing Song, Zhangde Long and Eric Karangwa. Rapid and sensitive gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry method for the determination of organic acids in tobacco leaves. Analytical Methods. 6(14), 5227-5235, 2014
1. Yi Lv, Xiaoming Zhang*, Haiyang Zhang, Shabbar Abbas, Eric Karangwa. The study of pH-dependent complexation between gelatin and gum arabic by morphology evolution and conformational transition. Food Hydrocolloids. 30(1), 323-332, 2013
2. Shabbar Abbas, Khizar Hayat, Eric Karangwa, Mohanad Bashari, Xiaoming Zhang*. An Overview of Ultrasound-Assisted Food-Grade Nanoemulsions. Food Engineering Reviews. 5, 139–157, 2013
3. Karangwa Eric, Linda Virginie Raymond, Meigui Huang, Maureen Jepkorir Cheserek, Khizar Hayat, Nshimiyimana Dominique Savio, Mukasa Amédée, Xiaoming Zhang*. Sensory attributes and antioxidant capacity of Maillard reaction products derived from xylose, cysteine and sunflower protein hydrolysate model system. Food Research International. 54(2), 1437-1447, 2013
4. Na Song, Chen Tan, Meigui Huang, Ping Liu, Karangwa Eric, Xiaoming Zhang*, Shuqin Xia, Chengsheng Jia. Transglutaminase Cross-linking Effect on Sensory Characteristics and Antioxidant Activities of Maillard Reaction Products from Soybean Protein Hydrolysates. Food Chemistry. 136, 144–151, 2013
5. Shiqing Song, Xiaoming Zhang*, Khizar Hayat, Zuobing Xiao, Yunwei Niu, Karangwa Eric. Coordinating fingerprint determination of solid-phase microextraction/gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and chemometric methods for quality control of oxidized tallow. Journal of Chromatography A. 1278, 145-152, 2013
6. Ping Zhan, Honglei Tian, Xiaoming Zhang*, Liping Wang. Contribution to aroma characteristics of mutton process flavor from the enzymatic hydrolysate of sheep bone protein assessed by descriptive sensory analysis and gas chromatography olfactometry. Journal of Chromatography B. 921–922, 1–8, 2013
7. Xiaoxia Shi, Xiaoming Zhang*, Shiqing Song, Chen Tan, Chengsheng Jia, Shuqin Xia. Identification of characteristic flavour precursors from enzymatic hydrolysis-mild thermal oxidation tallow by descriptive sensory analysis and gas chromatography–olfactometry and partial least squares regression Xiaoxia Shia. Journal of Chromatography B. 913– 914, 69–76, 2013
8. Muhamyankaka Venuste, Xiaoming Zhang*, Charles F. Shoemaker, Eric Karangwa, Shabbar Abbas and Patrick Eugene Kamdem. Influence of enzymatic hydrolysis and enzyme type on the nutritional and antioxidant properties of pumpkin meal hydrolysates. Food & Function. 4, 811–820, 2013
1. Shiqing Song, Xiaoming Zhang*, Zuobing Xiao, Yunwei Niu, Khizar Hayat, Karangwa Eric Contribution of oxidized tallow to aroma characteristics of beeflike process flavour assessed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and partial least squares. Journal of Chromatography A. 1254, 115– 124, 2012
2. Yi Lv, Xiaoming Zhang*, Shabbar Abbas, Eric Karangwa. Simplified optimization for microcapsule preparation by complex coacervation based on the correlation between coacervates and the corresponding microcapsule. Journal of Food Engineering. 111, 225–233, 2012
3. Ping Liu, Meigui Huang, Shiqing Song, Khizar Hayat, Xiaoming Zhang*, Shuqin Xia, Chengsheng Jia. Sensory Characteristics and Antioxidant Activities of Maillard Reaction Products from Soy Protein Hydrolysates with Different Molecular Weight Distribution. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 5, 1775-1789, 2012.
4. M. G. Huang, X. M. Zhang*, K. Eric, S. Abbas, K. Hayat, P. Liu, S. Q. Xia. Inhibiting the color formation by gradient temperature-elevating Maillard reaction of soybean peptide-xylose system based on interaction of L-cysteine and Amadori compounds. Journal of Peptide Science. 18, 342–349, 2012
5. Ping Liu, Xiaoming Zhang*, Meigui Huang, Shiqing Song, John Nsor-Atindana. Formation mechanism of cross-linking Maillard compounds in peptide-xylose systems. Journal of Peptide Science. 18, 626-634, 2012.
6. Eric Karangwa , Khizar Hayat, Ling Rao, Dominique Savio Nshimiyimana ,Mohamed B. K. Foh , Li Li, Janvier Ntwali, Linda Virginie Raymond,Shuqin Xia, Xiaoming Zhang*. Improving Blended Carrot-Orange Juice Qualityby the Addition of Cyclodextrins During Enzymatic Clarification. Food Bioprocess Technol. 5, 2612–2617, 2012
7. Shabbar Abbas, Chang Da Wei, Khizar Hayat, Xiaoming Zhang *. Ascorbic Acid: Microencapsulation Techniques and Trends—A Review. Food Reviews International. 28, 343–374, 2012
8. Yang Zhou, Chengsheng Jia*, Rui Li, Xiaoming Zhang*, Wensen He, Jingjing Li, Biao Feng and Qiuyu Xia. An efficient and expeditious synthesis of phytostanyl esters in a solvent-free system. European Journal of Lipid Science. 114, 896–904, 2012
9. Yunwei Niu, Xiaoming Zhang∗, Zuobing Xiao, Shiqing Song, Chengsheng Jia, Haiyan Yu,Lingling Fang, Chunhua Xu. Characterization of taste-active compounds of various cherry wines and their correlation with sensory attributes. Journal of Chromatography B, 902 55– 60, 2012
1. Ling Rao, Khizar Hayat, Yi Lv, Eric Karangwa, Shuqin Xia, Chengsheng Jia,Fang Zhong, Xiaoming Zhang*. Effect of ultrafiltration and fining adsorbents on the clarification of green tea. Journal of Food Engineering. 102, 321–326, 2011
2. Meigui Huang, Ping Liu, Shiqing Song, Xiaoming Zhang*, Khizar Hayat, Shuqin Xia, Chengsheng Jia and Fenglin Gu, Contribution of sulfur-containing compounds to the colour-inhibiting effect and improved antioxidant activity of Maillard reaction products of soybean protein hydrolysates. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 91, 710–720, 2011
3. Yunwei Niu, Xiaoming Zhang*, Zuobing Xiao, Shiqing Song, Karangwa Eric, Chengsheng Jia, Haiyan Yu, Jiancai Zhu. Characterization of odor-active compounds of various cherry wines by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, gas chromatography–olfactometry and their correlation with sensory attributes. Journal of Chromatography B. 879, 2287-2293, 2011
4. Zhijian Dong, Yong Ma, Khizar Hayat, Chengsheng Jia, Shuqin Xia, Xiaoming Zhang*. Morphology and release profile of microcapsules encapsulating peppermint oil by complex coacervation. Journal of Food Engineering. 104, 455–460, 2011
5. Baomiao Ding, Xiaoming Zhang*, Khizar Hayat, Shuqin Xia, Chengsheng Jia, Mingyong Xie,Chengmei Liu. Preparation, characterization and the stability of ferrous glycinate nanoliposomes. Journal of Food Engineering. 102, 202–208, 2011
6. Shiqing Song, Xiaoming Zhang*, Khizar Hayat, Ping Liu, Chengsheng Jia, Shuqin Xia, Zuobing Xiao, Huaixiang Tian, Yunwei Niu. Formation of the beef flavour precursors and their correlation with chemical parameters during the controlled thermal oxidation of tallow. Food Chemistry.124, 203-209, 2011
1. Shiqing Song, Xiaoming Zhang∗, Khizar Hayata, Meigui Huang, Ping Liu, Eric Karangwa, Fenglin Gu, Chengsheng Jia, Shuqin Xia, Zuobing Xiao, Yunwei Niu Contribution of beef base to aroma characteristics of beeflike process flavour assessed by descriptive sensory analysis and Gas Chromatography Olfactometry and Partial least squares regression. Journal of Chromatography A, 1217 7788–7799, 2010
2. Hayat, K., Abbas, S., Jia, C., Xia, S., & Zhang, X*. (2010). Comparative study on phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of Feutrell’s Early and Kinnow peel extracts. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 35(2), 454–471, 2011
3. Shiqing Song, Xiaoming Zhang*, Khizar Hayat, Chengsheng Jia, Shuqin Xia, Fang Zhong, Zuobing Xiao, Huaixiang Tian and Yunwen Niu. Correlating chemical parameters of controlled oxidation tallow to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry profiles and e-nose responses using partial least squares regression analysis. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical. 147, 660–668, 2010
4. Li Rui, Jia Chengsheng, Yue Lin, Zhang Xiaoming*, Xia Qiuyu, Zhao Songlin, Feng Biao, Zhong Fang, Chen Weijun. Lipase-Catalyzed Synthesis of Conjugated Linoleyl β-Sitosterol and its Cholesterol-lowering Properties in Mice. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 58(3), 1898-902, 2010
5. Khizar Hayat, Xiaoming Zhang*, Hanqing Chen, Shuqin Xia, Chengsheng Jia, Fang Zhong, Liberation and separation of phenolic compounds from citrus mandarin peels by microwave heating and its effect on antioxidant activity. Separation and Purification Technology. 3(73), 371-376, 2010
6. Khizar Hayat, Xiaoming Zhang*, Umar Farooq, Shabbar Abbas, Shuqin Xia, Chengsheng Jia, Fang Zhong, Jing Zhang. Effect of microwave treatment on phenolic content and antioxidant activity of citrus mandarin pomace. Food Chemistry. 2(123), 423-429, 2010
7. Xiaohong Lan, Ping Liu, Shuqin Xia, Chengsheng Jia, Daniel Mukunzi, Xiaoming Zhang*, Wenshui Xia, Huaixiang Tian, Zuobing Xiao. Temperature Effect on the Nonvolatile Compounds of Maillard Reaction Products Derived from Xylose-Soybean Peptide System: Further Insights into Thermal Degradation and Cross-linking. Food Chemistry. 120, 967-972, 2010
8. Feng-lin Gu, Jin Moon Kim, Shabbar Abbas, Xiao-ming Zhang*, Shu-qin Xia, Zheng-xing Chen. Structure and antioxidant activity of high molecular weight Maillard reaction products from casein–glucose. Food Chemistry. 120, 505-511, 2010
9. Jing Zhang, Lin Yue, Khizar Hayata, Shuqin Xia, Xiaoming Zhang*, Baomiao Ding, Jianming Tong and Zhengxing Chen. Purification of flavonoid from Gingko biloba extract by zinc complexation method and its effect on antioxidant activity. Separation and Purification Technology. 71, 273-278, 2010
10. Dawei Chang, Shabbar Abbas, Khizar Hayat, Shuqin, Xia, Xiaoming Zhang*, Mingyong Xie, Jin Moon Kim. Encapsulation of ascorbic acid in amorphous maltodextrin employing extrusion as affected by matrix-core ratio and water content. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 45, 1895–1901, 2010
1. F. R. Wang, X. F. Dong, J. M. Tong*, X. M. Zhang*, Q. Zhang, Wu YY. Effects of dietary taurine supplementation on growth performance and immune status in growing Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Poultry Science, 88 (7), 1394-1398, 2009
2. Khizar Hayat, Sarfraz Hussain, Shabbar Abbas, Umar Farooq, Baomiao Ding, Shuqin Xia, Chengsheng Jia, Xiaoming Zhang* and Wenshui Xia. Optimized microwave-assisted extraction of phenolic acids from citrus mandarin peels and evaluation of antioxidant activity in vitro. Separation and Purification Technology. 70, 63–70, 2009
3. Bao-Miao Ding, Shu-Qin Xia, Khizar Hayat, Xiao-Ming Zhang*. Preparation and pH stability of ferrous glycinate liposomes. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 57 (7), 2938-2944, 2009
4. Feng-Lin Gu, Jin.Moon Kim, Khizar Hayat, Xiao-Ming Zhang*. Characteristics and antioxidant activity of ultra-filtration fraction Maillard reaction products from a casein-glucose model system at high pH. Food Chemistry. 117, 48–54, 2009
5. Wen-Bin Zhang, Cheng-Sheng Jia, Yin-Jiao Wang; Jin M Kim, Ping-Ping Jiang, Xiao-Ming Zhang*. Identification and maillard reaction activities of dilauryl mannose isomers formed during lipase-catalyzed condensation. Food Chemistry. 112, 421-427, 2009
6. Feng-Lin Gu, Shabbar Abbas, Xiao-Ming Zhang*. Optimization of Maillard reaction products from casein-glucose using response surface methodology. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 42, 1374–1379, 2009
7. Wen-Bin Zhang, Yin-Jiao Wang, Khizar Hayat, Xiao-Ming Zhang*; Abbas Shabbar, Biao Feng, Cheng-Sheng Jia*. Efficient lipase-selective synthesis of dilauryl mannoses by simultaneous reaction–extraction system. Biotechnology letters. 31, 423-428, 2009
1. Zhi-Jian Dong, Shu-Qin Xia, Serenus Hua, Khizar Hayat, Xiao-Ming Zhang*, Shi-Ying Xu. Optimization of cross-linking parameters during production of transglutaminase-hardened spherical multinuclear microcapsules by complex coacervation. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 63 (1), 41-47, 2008
2. Qiao-Yu Liu, Cheng-Sheng Jia, Jin M Kim, Ping-Ping Jiang, Xiao-Ming Zhang*, Biao Feng, Shi-Ying Xu. Lipase-catalyzed selective synthesis of monolauroyl maltose using continuous stirred tank reactor. Biotechnology letters. 30, 497-502. 2008
3. Zhi-Jian Dong, Alhassane Touré, Cheng-Sheng Jia, Xiao-Ming Zhang*, Shi-Ying Xu. Effect of processing parameters on the formation of sphercial multinuclear microcapsules encapsulating peppermint oil by coacervation. Journal of Microencapsulation. 24 (7), 634-646, 2007
4. Jian Zhou, Guan-Jun Tao, Qiao-Yu Liu, Hua Li, Xiao-Ming Zhang*, Shuji Adachi. Equilibrium yields of mono- and dilauroyl mannoses through lipase-catalyzed condensation in acetone in the presence of molecular sieves. Biotechnology Letters. 28, 395-400, 2006
1. Xiaoming Zhang, Shuji Adachi, Yoshiyuki Watanabe, and Ryuichi Matsuno. Lipase-catalyzed synthesis of O- lauroyl L-serinamide and O-lauroyl L-threoninamide. Food Research International. 38(3), 297-300, 2005
2. Xiaoming Zhang, Shuji Adachi*, Yoshiyuki Watanabe, Takashi Kobayashi and Ryuichi Matsuno. Prediction of the Equilibrium Conversion for the Synthesis of Acyl Hexose through Lipase-catalyzed Condensation in Water-miscible Solvent in the Presence of Molecular Sieve. Biotechnol. Prog.19(2):293–297,2003.
3. Xiaoming Zhang, Takashi Kobayashi, Yoshiyuki Watanabe, Takao Fujii, Shuji Adachi*, Kazuhiro nakanishi and Ryuichi Matsuno Lipase-Catalyzed Synthesis of Monolauroyl Maltose through Condensation of Maltose and Lauric Acid. Food Sci. Technol. Res.9(1):110-113,2003.
4. Xiaoming Zhang, Takashi Kobayashi, Shuji Adachi & Ryuichi Matsuno. Lipase-catalyzed synthesis of 6-O-vinylacetyl glucose in acetonitrile. Biotechnology Letters. 24:1097–110, 2002.
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谷风林,常大伟, 刘平
宋诗清,黄梅桂 ,敬思群
马丽萍,黄晓丹,张娟,董涛,TOURE ALHASSANE,刘强,唐兵
罗浪锋, 张凤,冯岩,路宏波,王吟佼
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