Arjan Narbad教授是英国Quadram Institute Bioscience研究所(原英国食品研究所)Translational microbiome团队的带头人。先后于University of Leeds获微生物学学士,University of Cardiff获微生物学博士学位。主要从事益生菌、肠道菌群与健康和食品安全等方面的研究。先后承担和参与英国NRP、BBSRC、NIHR、EU FP7等政府项目以及各类企业项目,累计科研总经费£ 2000K。2017年获江苏省国际科学技术合作奖。
● 人体胃肠道微生态及其在人类健康和疾病中的作用。
● 以食源性肠道病原菌作为靶点对象,筛选、鉴定和表征对食源性致病菌具有突出抑制作用的功能性肠道微生物和功能性抗菌物,并尝试将其用于相关产业实际。
● 研究食品原料与生物分子对胃肠道微生物群落与营养健康的影响。
[1] Bacteria Facilitate Enteric Virus Co-infection of Mammalian Cells and Promote Genetic Recombination. Cell Host & Microbe. 2018, 23, 77-88. e5
[2] Microbial taxonomic and metabolic alterations during faecal microbiota transplantation to treat Clostridium difficile infection.Journal of Infection. 2018, 77(2): 107-118.
[3] The CD27L and CTP1L Endolysins Targeting Clostridia Contain a Built-in Trigger and Release Factor.PLoS Pathogens. 2014, 10: e1004228.
[4] Structure and biosynthesis of two exopolysaccharides produced by Lactobacillus johnsonii FI9785. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2013, 288:31938-31951.